  • 學位論文


Effects of health-promoting behaviors on consumption of organic agricultural products

指導教授 : 蔡雅芳


有機農業的發展,對於整個大環境的改善是具有正向意義。加上健康養生觀念的興起,提升了消費者對於有機農產品之接受程度,使得有機農產品逐漸成為現代飲食的趨勢及潮流。且有機農產品消費者行為之研究,現今也逐漸成為國內一項重要課題。   本研究以消費者對有機農產品認知、健康促進行為、環境保護、購買經驗為主要研究變項,探究消費者對有機農產品之選購考量因素,以了解消費者對於有機農產品之需求與消費行為。     本研究採用橫斷式研究設計。研究對象包括:2012年世界糖尿病友日在宜蘭之消費者、某個案醫院之員工及病患或其家屬、有機商店之消費者為研究對象。在問卷方面,是採用人員訪視法,由調查訪員前往各不同受訪地區進行問卷調查。本研究總共發放798份問卷,回收620份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率為77.7%。調查期間自2012年10月16日起至2013年3月26日止,為期約5個月。   本研究一共提出了九個假設,以統計學的假設檢定方法,利用SPSS19版之統計應用軟體分析。而研究結果顯示,九個假設均有達到統計上的顯著差異。   研究結果顯示:(1)受訪者之人口統計變項會影響其有機農產品的認知。(2)受訪者之人口統計變項會影響其健康促進行為。(3)受訪者之人口統計變項會影響其對環境保護的看法。(4)受訪者之人口統計變項會影響其購買經驗。(5)受訪者之人口統計變項會影響有機農產品選購的考量因素。(6)受訪者對有機農產品的認知會影響有機農產品選購考量因素。(7)受訪者之健康促進行為會影響有機農產品選購考量因素。(8)受訪者對環境保護的看法會影響有機農產品選購考量因素。(9)受訪者購買經驗會影響有機農產品選購考量因素。


Development of organic agriculture helps to address the world’s environmental issues. Additionally, increasing public health awareness has promoted consumer acceptance of organic agricultural produce, allowing organic products to become a growing trend in modern diet. Today, research on consumer behavior with regards to organic agricultural production is gradually becoming an increasingly important topic.   In this study, consumer awareness of organic agricultural products, healthy lifestyle, environmental protection, and purchasing experience are topics explored to study consumer behavior of organic agricultural products, which helps to understand consumer demand for such organic produce.   In this research, we use cross-sectional study design. The participants of this study include: consumers attending the 2012 World Diabetes Day at Yi-Lan, employees, patients and patient’s family members of a particular hospital, and consumers of an organic produce store.With respect to the questionnaire, the method of surveying was personal field visits by staff to various areas to interview subjects of study. In this study, a total of 798 questionnaires were distributed, of which 620 were valid responses for an effective response rate of 77.7%. Surveying period lasted 5 months, starting from October 16, 2012 to March 26, 2013.   This study proposed a total of nine hypotheses. Statistical methods were used to test the hypotheses, using SPSS19 statistics application software analysis. The research resulted in statistically significant differences in testing each of the nine hypotheses.   The researched revealed that :(1)Demographic variables of survey participants affect respondents’ perceptions of organic agricultural products.(2)Demographic variables of survey participants affect respondents’ health-promoting behaviors.(3)Demographic variables of survey participants affect respondents’ views on environmental protection.(4)Demographic variables of survey participants affect respondents’ purchasing experiences.(5)Demographic variables of survey participants affect respondents’ organic produce purchase considerations.(6)Survey participants’ perceptions of organic agricultural products affect respondents’ organic produce purchase considerations.(7)Survey participants’ health-promoting behaviors affect respondents’ organic produce purchase considerations.(8)Survey participants’ views on environmental protection affect respondents’ organic produce purchase considerations.(9)Survey participants’ purchasing experiences affect respondents’ organic produce purchase considerations.


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