  • 學位論文


Factors of acculturative stress associated with family relationship: A comparison study between immigrant and native-born women in Changhua County

指導教授 : 楊浩然


研究動機:從1995年到2010年止,因婚姻移民來台的新移民婦女已超過42萬人。然而,過去較少了解影響新移民家庭成員關係的特定相關因素,特別是,少數研究探討文化適應壓力與凝聚力、表達和衝突之間的關係。 研究目的:比較新移民家庭和本地家庭之間的家庭關係中凝聚力、表達和衝突是否有差異,並了解其中可能的文化適應壓力相關因素。 研究方法:本研究採橫斷式研究設計(cross-selectional study),納入249位新移民婦女和216位本地婦女分析。為了探討文化適應壓力與家庭關係(凝聚力、表達和衝突)之間的關係,使用自填問卷包括家庭關係問卷(Family Relationship Index, F.R.I)及文化適應壓力問卷,將文化適應分為語言溝通方面、社會經濟地位方面、宗教信仰方面及醫療照護方面,以複迴歸分析(Multiple Regression Analysis)文化適應壓力變項中影響家庭的凝聚力、表達及衝突的相關因素。 研究結果:在家庭關係分數方面,只有凝聚力在新移民家庭與本地家庭之間有差異。支出大於收入相較於收支平衡和收入大於支出,對於家庭關係的凝聚力會越好(b=0.30, s.e.=0.13, p=0.03);此外,配偶教育程度越高,則家庭關係的衝突次數會越少,呈現邊緣顯著結果(b=0.19, s.e.=0.10, p=0.05)。 結論:雖然新移民婦女面臨許多文化適應的壓力,但婦女原生國籍並不是影響家庭關係的因素,家中經濟收支情形和配偶的教育程度才是造成家庭凝聚力和衝突的主要原因。


Objectives: In Taiwan, immigrant women through marriage have surpassed over 420 thousands by the end of 2010. However, little is known about the family relationship and its related factors in such cross-cultural families. In particular, still very few studies have examined whether acculturation is associated with family cohesion, expressiveness and conflict. Methods: There were 249 of new immigrant women and 216 of native-born women participants with complete data on both acculturation and family relationship index (F.R.I.) in this cross-sectional study. Family relationship index included family cohesion, expressiveness and conflict. Information on the language communication variables, socio-economic status variables, religion variables and medical care variables of both new immigrant women and born-native women were collected via the acculturation questionnaire. Multiple linear regression models were performed to examine associations between acculturation factors and family relationship indices. Results: Significant difference was found on family cohesion between new immigrant women family and native-born women family. Participants with expenditure more than income showed higher family cohesion than those with balanced expenditure(b=0.30, s.e.=0.13, p=0.03).Educational level of spouse had borderline effect on family conflict among all participant(b=0.19, s.e.=0.10, p=0.05). Conclusion: Findings indicate that acculturative stress or sociodemographic characteristics such as the economical status and spouse's education level, rather than origin nationality, are important factors for family relationship.


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