  • 學位論文


Exploring the factors associated with telephone re-interviewing willingness-Taiwan experiences in cigarette box’s warning labels survey

指導教授 : 陸玓玲


研究目的: 探討全國18歲以上的民眾對於再次電訪意願之相關因素,以國健署2014年電話調查資料來做分析,並且進一步探討民眾對警示圖文的認知、態度與行為上與再次電訪意願之差異。 材料與方法: 本研究為橫斷研究,使用國健署「菸品健康警示圖文改版對民眾吸菸行為改變之影響」調查,針對台灣地區18歲以上民眾,依縣市別分為22層,各層下採用RDD(Random Digit Dialing)隨機抽樣法抽出所需的電話樣本來進行電話調查,一共撥打了86,427通,合格受訪者為17,704位,成功訪問到為7,935位,回應率為44.82%。研究的總樣本數為2,176人(吸菸者1,076人、非吸菸者1,100人)。本篇研究的主要研究變項為再次受訪意願(分為「願意/不願意」),依社會人口學、態度、警示圖文相關變項、行為當作相關因素來進行雙變項分析,之後再以吸菸狀況分層,將以上雙變項有顯著變項納入多變項分析,探討與再次電訪意願之關係。統計分析是以SAS9.3版進行分析。 研究結果: 控制人口學變項後,整體再次電訪意願與性別(男性願意接受再次電訪意願皆顯著高於女性)、職業(自營業者比其他的職業有較高的比率願意接受再次電訪)有關。將吸菸分層後發現: 吸菸者在職業結果顯示自營業者願意再次電訪比率是一般公私人企業的1.86倍。警示圖文的管道結果顯示,從廣播上聽到者願意再次電訪比率相較於沒有聽到者高出8.33倍。自述目前的警圖會讓你產生戒菸想法人願意再次電訪機率較高,高出1.52倍。 有關非吸菸者,男性願意再次電訪比率是女性的1.48倍。警示圖文認知狀況結果顯示,不知道有警示圖文的民眾願意再次電訪比率較低0.7倍。警示圖文的管道,結果顯示有從菸品展示處看到的人願意再次電訪比率高出1.71倍。有從網路的報導知道的人願意再次電訪比率也較高,較不知道網路有報導的人高出3.13倍。是否仔細看過警示圖文結果得知沒有看過警圖的人願意再次電訪比率是有看過的人的0.69倍。 結論與建議: 本研究發現在吸菸者當中,願意再次接受電訪意願的相關因素為職業、警示圖文之管道、自述警示圖文的影響。在非吸菸者部分,則發現願意再次接受電訪意願為的相關因素為性別、警示圖文相關變項、警示圖文的管道、是否仔細看過警圖。因此日後在做相關主題時,可以將此研究結果當作一個參考指標之一,這樣可以減少樣本失真的問題以及偏差。


Purpose: This study investigated the willingness of re-interview by telephone among adult age over18. By using 2014data collected from Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare to explore related factors about the public’s awareness of graphic smoking warnings to health. Future more, this study was also to compare the attitudes and behaviors differences between the wishes of another telephone re-interview. Methods: This Taiwan nationwide cross-sectional study was designed by stratified sampling for people age over 18 at county level. There were 22 levels. Random Digit Dialing (RDD) method was used to collect samples under each county. This survey is called "Revised graphic health warnings on tobacco products to people of influence smoking behavior change". Total calls were 86,427. The qualified respondents were 17,704. There were 7,935 successful access and the response rate was 44.82%. The recruited-sample size for the study were 2,176 people. The main study-variable for respondents was the wish of willing or unwilling to re-interview by telephone. About the variables of sociodemographic characteristics, attitude toward to graphic warning, and behavioral factors were included to this survey. Smoking status was used to compare the attitudes and behaviors differences between the wishes of another telephone re-interview. Descriptive statistical analysis and chi-square test will be proceed before multivariate analysis. Logistic regression was used in multivariate analysis. Statistical analysis is based on SAS 9.3 version. Result: This study found that gender and occupation were significant factors related to the overall willingness to receive a second interviewing by telephone. Men had higher willingness to be interviewed again. Self-employed individuals were having higher willingness to accept another phone-interviewing than the others. Stratified by smoking: status, smokers showed that the groups of self-employed professional were 1.86 times likely to received another phone-call after comparing with the general public and the private sector. About the pathway of graphic health warning on tobacco products, study results showed that those individuals who have had hear from broadcasting had 8.33 times willingness to received another phone-call. Those people who ever had a wish to quit tobacco smoking after contacting graphic health warning showed 1.52 times higher willingness to received a second call. Among non-smokers, men are willing to have a re-interview ratio is 1.48 times higher than women’s. Those people who didn’t have the cognition ability about tobacco graphic warning showed a lower probability (0.7) to receive a phone-call again. About graphic warning pathway, the results showed that there was 1.71 times higher probability for those individual who had seen tobacco display were more willingness to receive another phone-call future. Those individuals who had ever heard from broadcasting were 3.13 times more likely to have another phone-call. Another situation was people who didn’t have the chance to read carefully about the graphic health warning on tobacco products were less likely to expect having another call (0.69 times). Conclusion and Suggestion: From smokers, the relevant factors related to the willing to re-interview includes occupation, health graphic warning pathway, self-report of the impact of- warning graphic. For counter side, factors significantly associated with re-interview willingness in non-smokers were gender, graphic warning, warning graphics pathway, have ever read carefully on warning figures. Study social significant impact is how to reduce sample selection bias at study design and to increase the efficacy on outcomes’ inference.


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