  • 學位論文


The association of interleukin-1βpolymorphism and acute myocardial infarction

指導教授 : 許立松


依民國九十六年衛生署統計之十大死亡原因,心臟疾病高居第二位。而冠狀動脈硬化是引發心血管疾病之主要因素。過去的研究中多著重於脂質及生活型態與心血管疾病之相關性。在動脈硬化病變的形成過程中,內膜的增生常見於病灶中,而IL-1β則可能在這個過程中扮演重要的角色。介白素-1β(interleukin-1β,IL-1β)是一種抗發炎反應的細胞激素,可以調節免疫系統並參與反應許多證據顯示IL-1β在粥狀動脈硬化形成過程中具有保護作用。同時在許多流行病學危險因子當中,高血壓、心血管疾病、糖尿病以及心肌梗塞等疾病有重要的相關性。本篇研究的主要目的是想瞭解IL-1β基因的基因型性與心肌梗塞發生之間的關聯。本實驗使用病例-控制試驗的方法,研究的病人數目共有183人,其中49人為AMI病患組,對照組中有58人為一般的健康人,無心肌梗塞病史(ⅡA),另外128位為不具有傳統心血管疾病危險因數的病人((ⅡB)。我們利用分析PCR-AvaⅠ-digested DNA片段的方法來偵測IL-1β基因在promoter位置的基因多型性。結果顯示急性心肌梗塞患者之具有傳統心血管疾病危險因數之對照組ⅡA,其IL-1β C/C 同型合子與急性心肌梗塞具有明顯統計上的意義(p=0.02),但對照組ⅡB與急性心肌梗塞則無顯著差異(0.551)。因此我門認為台灣人族群中具有心血管疾病危險因子者,IL-1β Promoter基因多型性與急性心肌梗塞有關。




Heart disease was ranked on fourth among ten leading causes of death in 1999 in Taiwan. The significance of elevated serum cholesterol levels,and cigarette smoking as risk factors for the development of coronary heart disease has been well documented in numerous studies. Neointimal hyperplasia, mainly the proliferation of smooth muscle cells and accumulation of macrophage-derived foam cells and interleukin-1β might play a central role in the process of atherosclerosis. Among several etiological risk factor,hypertension,cardiac disease,diabetes and myocardial infarction。IL-1β (interleukin-1β) is a cytokine with anti- inflammatory and evidence suggests a potential role for IL-1β in atherosclerosis . For discriminating the association between The aim of this study was to examine whether polymorphism of the IL-1βgene is associated with the risk of AMI. Therefore,we performed a case-control study from 183 patients .The study population comprised of 49 AMI patients (AMI),58 healthy individuals with AMI disease history (control ⅡA),76 personnel don' have any conventional cardiovascular disease risk factors (control ⅡB). IL-1β gene polymorphism was performed by analyzing AvoⅠ-digested DNA fragment obtained by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). An association of the IL-1βC/C genetype of control group ⅡA to the AMI onset was found (p=0.02),but not in control group ⅡB (0.551)。In conclusions,our result suggest that IL-1β polymorphism was associated with acutr myocardial infarction among Taiwansecohot with convestional cardiovascular disease risk factors,




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