  • 學位論文


The effects of daily disposable contact lens wear on tear film characteristics and biochemical parameters

指導教授 : 林培正


隱形眼鏡的使用與驗配已經成為日常生活的一環,然而對於隱形眼鏡所影響到的淚液生理與生化反應,尚有很多未知的問題,例如不同的配戴鬆緊度對於淚液膜的特性是否有所差別,而此種差別會因為性別與配戴頻率而不同,目前還沒有相關的研究報告。本研究即針對上述不同的因子,招募40位年齡介於17至18歲的受試者,隨機分配配戴基弧為8.5 mm與9.0 mm的隱形眼鏡,於配戴八小時後,分析其淚膜破裂時間、Schirmer’s Test、結膜充血程度,以及淚液的滲透壓、鈉離子、鉀離子、氯離子、澱粉酶、三酸甘油酯、乳酸的含量變化。結果顯示:1. 不同基弧的隱形眼鏡對配戴者的淚液特性影響有所差別;2. 男女性對隱形眼鏡的適應性有所不同;3. 隱形眼鏡配戴頻率亦會影響眼睛對不同基弧隱形眼鏡的反應程度;4. 隱形眼鏡基弧與角膜弧度的差值和比值可以做為預測隱形眼鏡鬆緊度的反應指標,預期這兩種反應指標可望被應用於隱形眼鏡的設計與製造。本論文所研究的主題未來也可以用來評估長期配戴隱形眼鏡的副作用,例如:乾眼症的發生,值得後續繼續探討。


The use and prescription of contact lens has become one common part of daily life to many people. Nevertheless, the impact of contact lens wear on tear physiological and biochemical characteristics has not been well-investigated. For example, whether the status of more loose or tight wear has impact on tear characteristics and, if such impact exists, whether it can vary according to gender and frequency of wear remain not reported. This study aims to investigate these factors. We recruited 40 volunteers, aged between 17 - 18, and randomly distributed contact lenses with base curve at 8.5 mm and 9.0 mm. The volunteers were asked to wear the contact lenses for 8 hours and then subject to TBUT, Schirmer’s test, bulbar redness scoring, and tear biochemical parameters including Na, K, Cl, amylase, triglyceride, and lactic acid. The results showed: 1. Tear characteristics were affected by contact lens wear at different base curve; 2. Gender-specific differences exist in responses to contact lens wear; 3. Frequency of use can affect eye response to contact lenses with different base curves; 4. The values of BC-K (base curve minus K) and BC/K (base curve divided by K) may be used as indexes for predicting responses to contact lens wear. We expect that these two indexes can be used for contact lens design and manufacture. The subjects of this study can also be used for the evaluation of long-term side effects with contact lens wear, for example dry eye syndrome, which demands follow up studies.


contact lens base curve fitting tear characteristics


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