  • 學位論文


Measuring the traumatic degree and its related factors in women with breast cancer

指導教授 : 賴慶祥




乳癌 創傷 創傷事件


People suffer from cancer to receive the indisposition painstakingly. Patients with breast cancer not only faced the painful treatment, but also bear the psychological blow. This study adopted the revised version of impact of event scale (IES-R) to evaluate the traumatic degree of breast cancer patients. A cross-sectional study used a sample of 295 cases is from the breast cancer clinic of a general hospital in central Taiwan, by the agreement of patients. Data set consists of IES-R score, socio-demographic characteristics, self-administered, structured clinical interview (SCID) questionnaire, medical records, and scales of Family APGAR index, maudsley personality inventory (MPI), etc. This study focused on evaluating the traumatic of patients with breast cancer. Using general linear model with backward selection procedure, we have identified key significant factors which influence traumatic extent in breast cancer patient. It results the following: 1) Insomnia, having use insomnia medication assistance, had mental illness and had chronic pain in the past year of are significantly higher traumatic degree; 2) Suffer cancer within one year is significantly higher traumatic degree; 3) The more negative personality traits and major depression are significantly higher traumatic degree; 4) The stress coping factors of distancing, responsibility and escape are positive correlated while self controlling and reappraisal are negative correlated to traumatic degree in breast cancer patients. This study provided to relative research field as a reference by this predictive regression model. The limitation of the research is that the cross-sectional study could only determine whether the risk factors impact to the traumatic degree in breast cancer patients. Future research could be case-control study and/or repeated measure study to clarify the inference factors accurately.


breast cancer trauma traumatic event


游勝翔,陳淑惠,張金堅(2008)。乳癌患者之反芻反應風格對其術後憂鬱與創傷後壓力症狀之預測。中華心理學刊 50(3):289-302。
