  • 學位論文


Investigation on diabetic patients consuming behavior of dietary supplements (health food) at a teaching hospital in Hsin-Chu area

指導教授 : 王進崑


本研究以新竹地區某教學醫院新陳代謝科門診糖尿病患者(包含第1型與第2型糖尿病者)為研究對象。採橫斷式相關性研究設計(crosssectional- correlational design),據文獻設計結構性問卷,經由隨機取樣方式選擇門診病患給予問卷自由填寫。 了解糖尿病患者在醫師開立的醫囑或藥物使用下,是否會選擇使用膳食補充劑(健康食品),進而探討糖尿病病患者對膳食補充劑(健康食品)其使用信念、消費及使用行為,促使患者使用膳食補充劑(健康食品)的因子,及使用膳食補充劑(健康食品)是否影響血糖的控制。 經分析結果得知,在收集的447份問卷中,71.8%的受訪者曾使用膳食補充劑(健康食品),從未使用的人占28.2%。 除了性別(女性)、罹病時間、有糖尿病家族史的患者較傾向使用膳食補充劑(健康食品)以外,在其他人口社會學、糖尿病類型、其他慢性病或合併症,與是否使用膳食補充劑(健康食品)的研究結果,皆無統計上的顯著差異。 在使用膳食補充劑與血糖控制方面,使用卡方檢定和 t-檢定的結果為:不論將糖化血色素分成2組、3組、6組來分析,顯示出糖化血色素(HbA1C)的改變,與使用膳食補充劑(健康食品)沒有統計上的顯著差異。


This study is base on Hsin-chu region metabolism of a teaching hospital outpatient diabetic patients (include type 1 and type 2 diabetes) study. Setting as cross-sectional study design (cross-sectional correlational design), selected through random sampling outpatients given free fill the questionnaire according to the literature designed structured questionnaire. To investigate the diabetic patients who follow under the physician or drug using, whether it will choose to use dietary supplements (health food), and then to investigate the behavior of diabetes patients on the use of dietary supplements (health food), beliefs, consumption, and the reason of using dietary supplements (health food), and how the use of dietary supplements (health food) affect glycemic control. Learned by the results of the analysis, in 447 questionnaires were collected, 71.8% of respondents had used dietary supplements (health food) but only 28.2% had never used it. In addition to gender (female), disease duration, family history of diabetes patients are more inclined to use dietary supplements (health food).In the rest of the population sociology, type of diabetes, other chronic diseases or complications, and whether to use dietary supplements (Health food) findings were no statistically significant difference. In the use of dietary supplements and glycemic control, using the chi-square test and t-test indicated that the change of HbA1C was not associated with the use of dietary supplements( health food) regardless whether HbA1C was categorized into two, three, six groups.


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