  • 學位論文


The influence factor of junior high school students' sexual knowledge in Keelung–use the multi-level analysis

指導教授 : 陸玓玲


目的:本研究目的為描述基隆市九十六學年度國中學生性知識現況之現況,並以多層次分析探討班級層次因素、個人層次因素與個人性知識之關係 材料與方法:本研究以「九十六年基隆市兒童、青少年在學學生菸害暨健康行為問卷調查及分析評估」中,基隆市就學之國中學生經由分層集束抽樣所得1843人為個人層次之樣本,69班為班級層次之樣本。本研究所指之性知識分為三類,分為「懷孕生理」、「性病傳染途徑」、「性病之易感受性」,經ICC(組內相關係數)檢定,「性病傳染途徑」、「性病之易感受性」有顯著之班級差異,應以多層次迴歸分析進行分析,「懷孕生理」沒有顯著之班級差異,將以傳統之複回歸分析進行。本研究以SAS9.1版統計軟體進行描述性統計、雙變項分析、複迴歸分析,以HLM6.0版統計軟體進行多層次迴歸分析。 研究結果:基隆市國中學生在個人懷孕生理知識平均得分為1.46(±1.32)(滿分為4分),個人性病傳染途徑知識之平均得分為1.98(±1.03)(滿分為3分),性病之易感受性知識之平均得分為1.20(±1.03)(滿分為4分)。在個人層次中,年級越高,學業成績越好,性態度越正向,性病傳染途徑知識得分及性病之易感受性知識得分較高。而父親教育程度越高,性病之易感受性知識得分越高;居住在信義區者,性病之易感受性知識得分較中正區高。在班級層次中,班級性別比、學校所在區與個人性病傳染途徑知識得分之關係達到統計顯著意義,學校所在區與個人性病之易感受性知識得分之關係達到統計顯著意義。以探索方式檢視班級層次與個人層次之跨層次交互作用,發現僅「班級性別比」呈現顯著。 結論與建議:經由多層次分析後,個人因素中之年級、成績、性態度、父親教育程度,班級因素中班級中之性別比、班級規模、班級性知識平均得分、學校所在區,與個人性知識得分有顯著關聯。本研究中證實班級性別比在個人上學期成績與個人之性病傳染途徑知識得分之關係出現跨層次交互作用。依據研究結果提出以下建議:1.未來研究建議可加入親子關係等個人因素及班級層次因素。2.可提供衛生單位及教育單位了解基隆市國中學生之性知識現況,並可針對性病相關內容制訂學生所需之性教育相關課程。3.不同學校所在區的學生在性知識上存在差異,衛生單位及教育單位可針對不同區的學生加強其性知識。4.班級性別比與個人上學期成績在個人之性病傳染途徑知識得分有跨層次交互作用,建議未來研究可仔細區分班級性別比在班級組成中其所代表之真實意義。


Objectives: To investigate the relation of sex knowledge between class and individual level by using multi-level analysis for students in Keelung junior high schools in academic year of 2005. Methods : One thousand eight hundred and forty three students from grade 7 to 9 and 69 classes, striated cluster sampled, represent individual and class levels in Keelung junior high schools. The sex knowledge of “Pregnant physiology”, “Routes of infection for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)”, and “Susceptibility to Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)” were examined by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The multi-level regression analysis was applied on variables with class level effects, while multivariate regression was adopted for variables without class effects. Results: The Keelung junior high school students’ “Pregnant physiology” scored average 1.46(±1.32) (perfect score is 4), “Routes of infection for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)” averaged 1.98(±1.03) (perfect score is 3), “Susceptibility to Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)” scored 1.20(±1.03) (perfect score is 4). The multi-level regression analysis was applied on “Routes of infection for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)” and “Susceptibility to Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)” since ICC indicated there was a class level effect. “Pregnant physiology” was analyzed by multivariate regression analysis due to there was no significance class difference. At individual level, the higher the grade, the better the school achievement, more positive of sex attitude, higher the scores on “Routes of infection for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)” and “susceptibility to Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)”. The higher the father’s education level, the higher the score of “Susceptibility to Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)”. Students live in Hsinyi District had higher score on ”Susceptibility to Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)” than those who live in Jhongjheng District. As for class level, a significant relationship was found between “class sex composition”, “school’s location”, and “Routes of infection for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)”. Another significant finding was for “school’s location” and “Susceptibility to Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)”. “Class sex composition” was the only significant variable after exploring cross-level effects. Conclusion: The following variables are found to be associated with individual sex knowledge after the multi-level analyses: “grade”, “school achievement”, “sex attitude”, and “father’s education level” at individual level; while “class sex composition”, “size of the class”, “class average score on sex knowledge” and “school’s location” at class level. The cross-level effect for “Routes of infection for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)” is confirmed between “class sex composition” and “individual’s school achievement“ in this research.


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