  • 學位論文


The Prevalence Study of Gout and Hyperuricemia with Diet and Life Style for Fighter Pilot in Mid-Taiwan

指導教授 : 徐成金


痛風為現代人常見之文明病,根據文獻報告,痛風在國外之全人 口盛行率為0.16-1.36%,台灣則為0.16-1.6%。痛風好發於40-60歲之成年男性,但目前有日漸增多及年輕化之趨勢。流行病學資料顯示,台灣在1950-1970年代痛風並不常見,近年來經由各地區性的調查研究顯示痛風和高尿酸血症已經相當普及,雖然大多文獻指出高尿酸血症病人痛風發作的比例約只有5%,但近年來,卻有相當多的研究發現高尿酸血症和高血壓、高血糖、高血脂症等代謝不良心血管疾病之危險因子間,有著極為高度相關的病因關係。 高空飛行員是社會上相當特殊的族群,因為其工作上的需求,長 期處在高空、狹隘空間、高G 力場中,尤其是操作高效能噴射戰機 時,因持續性高G 力會影響冠狀動脈血流量,而加重心臟血管系統 的負荷,使一些原本無症狀的冠狀動脈血管疾病,變得嚴重;對身體的影響與變化及其各種疾病的盛行率是否與一般族群不同。因為高尿酸血症和高血壓、高血糖、高血脂症等代謝不良心血管疾病之危險因子間,有著極為高度相關的病因關係,本研究希望藉著對台灣中部某空軍基地72 位高空飛行教官為研究對象,以不具名填寫問卷方式,配合年度體檢資料,包括年齡、身高、體重、身體質量指數(BMI)、血壓(收縮壓/舒張壓)、麩氨酸草酸轉氨酶(AST,GOT)、麩氨酸丙酮酸轉氨酶(ALT,GPT)、血糖(Glucose)、膽固醇(Cholesterol)、三酸甘油脂(Triglyceride)、尿素氮(Blood Urea Nitrogen, BUN)、肌酸酐(Creatinine)、尿酸(Uric acid)等,進行高空飛行員高尿酸血症盛行率的調查,來探討這一特殊族群其生活型態、飲食與高空飛行壓力間是否存在著相關性。經由統計分析顯示,飛行員族群與一般民眾族群是相似的,大多數體檢因子與飛行時數、頻率、壓力之間並無絕對相關存在;飛行員高普林食物攝取量、飲酒習慣與高尿酸血症才是有顯著相關的(p<0.05)。飛行員族群高尿酸血症盛行率約25%(93年30%,94 年20%),也與台灣調查一般男性的盛行率接近,並無顯著不同。


The gout, the modern common civilized disease, according to report, the prevalence of whole world is 0.16- 1.36%, in Taiwan is 0.16-1.6%. Gout is more common in men between the ages of 40 to 60,however, at present, the tendency of prevalence has been more abundant and more youthful. The epidemiological investigation shows that gout is not common in Taiwan in 1950-1970, but gout and hyperuricemia have been already quite popular in recent years. Although most studies point out that the rate of hyperuricemia patients would process to gout is approximately only 5%, but there are quite a lot of findings show that there are extremely high etiology relations between hyperuricemia and some risk factors of impaired metabolized cardiovascular diseases, like hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia. The fighter pilots are quite special ethnicity in the society,because they are demanded to work in high altitude, constricted space, and high G force field for a long time. Especially, when they operate the high performance jet, the continued high G force could influence the blood flow of coronary artery, aggravate the loading of the cardiovascular system, and speed up asymptomatic coronary artery disease to be more obvious. Whether the impact and changes of the body and the diseases in fighter pilots would differ from the general ethnicity? We studied 72 copies of anonymously questionnaires and associated physical examination reports including age, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure (systolic/diastolic pressure), aspartate aminotransferase (AST, GOT), alanine aminotransferase (ALT, GPT),blood sugar, cholesterol, triglyceride, blood urea nitrogen (BUN),creatinine, uric acid, etc. from 86 fighter pilots in mid-Taiwan for reached the relationship between life style, diet and high-altitude flight pressure of this special ethnicity with the prevalence of hyperuricemia and gout. Statistical analysis shows the results that pilot’s ethnicity and general ethnicity must been similar. There are no absolutely relations between most physical examination data and the flight times, flight frequency,pressure of flight. But there is conspicuous relation between high-purine diet and alcohol consumption with pilot hyperuricemia. The prevalence of hyperuricemia in pilot’s ethnicity is about 25% (30% in 2004; 20% in 2005), and shows no obviously difference with the prevalence in generally male ethnicity in Taiwan


Gout Hyperuricemia Flight pilot Prevalence


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