  • 學位論文


A Study of Labor Force Participation among Immigrant Women in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃秉德


本研究採次級資料之量化分析方式,係根據內政部入出國移民署於民國97年所做的大規模調查「九十七年外籍與大陸配偶生活需求調查」之原始檔案,進行分析比較。而比較的對照組,則向中央研究院學術調查研究資料庫申請主計處之大規模調查—「97年台灣地區人力資源調查」暨「97年人力運用調查」,作為對照比較組。 經重新以性別、婚姻狀況、是否為有工作權之民間人力等篩選研究樣本後,外籍與大陸配偶女性有效樣本共計11,458人,國內一般已婚婦女樣本為20,556人。本研究樣本特性皆為:女性、婚姻狀態為婚姻持續中、分居離婚、配偶死亡,外籍與大陸配偶為有工作權者,國內一般已婚婦女非為現役軍人或監管人口的「民間女性已婚人口」,作為本研究勞動參與之研究對象。 上述研究提出本文的研究結論:1.新移民女性勞動參與率較國內一般已婚婦女的勞動參與率為高。2.新移民女性在勞動市場上存在職業的水平和垂直隔離、勞動差異之情況。3.新移民女性認為自己在勞動參與所遭遇的困難以個人因素,人力資本類型為最多,再次為結構因素,則以雇主和法律問題,困難類型第三位為個人決策因素。 本研究之研究建議為:1.工作權大幅放寬後,仍須相關配套支應,增進移民婦女實質勞動促進成效。2.消彌新移民就業不平等對待,應落實就業服務法等不得歧視之規定。3.鼓勵移民婦女在職學習,增強職場競爭力。4.微型創業之新移民婦女需要更多的輔導機制。


The purpose of this study is to find the difference in labor participation between immigrant women and domestic women in Taiwan. This study using the data from “Survey of Foreign and Chinese spouses’ Living Requirement in 2008” conducted by The Ministry of the Interior National Agency Republic of China (Taiwan), and the government’s manpower survey data “Taiwan Manpower Survey in 2008” , “Manpower Utilization Survey in 2008” conducted by DGBAS, which was selected as the comparison group. After rescreening the research samples according to their gender, marital status, and whether they are labor force with the right to work and others, the valid samples of immigrant women(consists of foreign spouse and Chinese spouse) are 11,458, and the valid samples of domestic married women are 20,556. The characteristics of the research object of this study are: female, marital status as either married, separated, divorced, or spouse death, immigrant women who have the right to work, domestic married women who are neither active army nor under the supervision of adults’ correctional systems. The above research drew to the following conclusions of this research: 1. the labor participation rate of immigrant women is higher than the domestic married women. 2. There is horizontal segregation, vertical segregation for immigrant women in the labor market. 3. Immigrant women thought that the difficulties they encountered in labor participation are mainly due to personal factor, and human capital factor, secondly due to structural factor such as employer and legal issues, and lastly due to personal decision-making factor. From the above analysis, this study makes the following suggestions: 1.Even though the right to work for immigrant spouses has greatly been relaxed, complementary measures is still needed to enhance the substantive labor force participation. 2. The “Employment Services Act” should be fully implemented in order to eliminate the unequal treatment that new immigrants encountered in employment. 3. Encourage immigrant women to study while employed to enhance their competitiveness in the workplace. 4. The immigrant women microentrepreneurs need more counselling and assistance.


貝克Gary S. Becker, 藍科正譯,1996,歧視經濟學,The Economics of Discrimination ,正中書局出版
