  • 學位論文


Case Study on the Forensics of the causes for Huge Deformation during Tunneling

指導教授 : 羅偉


台灣的大地工程具極高的複雜性及不確定性,施工後構造物行為異於設計之情況時有所聞,為業主、承商、設計單位常見的爭議課題。本研究以萬里-瑞濱線第十六標隧道工程為案例,該隧道在規劃期間已預知地質條件不良、設計過程雖已納入因應對策,但施工過程圍岩變形異常之大且持續發生,且因情境不同於設計過程所擬定條件,而未持續採用因應對策致變形侵入淨空,導致修挖與變更設計之情況。 預防是減少事故爭議之最佳策略,本研究建議有關工程災害之處理方式宜列入工程契約條款;於事故發生時,依據事故條件,適時啟動鑑定作業,以標準程序蒐集相關事証,還原事故真相,並合理評估各單位責任歸屬比例之建議,已協助院檢機關發現事實真相。本研究除探討案例之背景,亦透過變形原因鑑定之成果,探討隧道工程遭遇類似案例的處理對策,俾供參考。


異常變形 鑑定 地質災害


Due to the high complexity and instability of geological conditions in Taiwan; the differences between original project designs and actual construction process has been an issue among the owner, contractors, and design departments. This study not only reviews the prediction of geological conditions in the case of tunnel construction plan; but also discusses the strategy of problem solving. Moreover, it focuses on design changes and project repairs due to continued occurrence of deformation in surrounding rock during different constructions process. Prevention is the best strategy to reduce accident reports. This study suggests that the manner of handling project problems should be included in the project contract; action of standard identification procedure should be operated in a timely fashion once the accidents occurs; evidence and relevant facts should be gathered to discover the events leading to accidents. In addition, the study discusses the development of a standard identification processes by analyzing results from different deformation causes in tunnel construction projects.


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