  • 學位論文


The research of building charitable trust to improve the community environment in Taiwan

指導教授 : 彭光輝


在全球化與城市競爭力浪潮的衝擊下,各國皆致力於研究結合政府與民間資源、鼓勵民眾參與、凝聚社區意識、促進社區發展等議題,以達到社區永續經營與提昇國家總體競爭力之目標。 隨著政治民主化與社會多元化的發展,政府或民間企業已無法滿足所有需求,第三部門因而迅速成長,提供社會所需的各項服務。然推動社區環境營造之各類組織,除非有雄厚基金、產業及收益支持,通常其本身並無足夠的自主財源,以支持整個事業的運作和發展,而為達成促進地方環境永續發展之目標,更應整合政府、企業、第三部門與民眾之智慧、財力與資源,以滿足社區各種需求。在國外,社區應用公益信託,已朝古蹟保存、城市改造、環境保護、社會福利推展等面向多元發展,形成一股民間積極參與公益事業之龐大力量,更使政府能集中有限資源投資於重大建設上,對國家建設與社會整體發展亦有相當程度之助益。 本研究主要係以促進社區環境永續發展作為立論思考,透過公益信託相關文獻、國外運作經驗分析與結合公私部門訪談結果,探討台灣社區環境營造應用公益信託實施時機,並建立應用模型。在個案的驗證上,以台北縣政府為模擬分析對象,說明公益信託應用於社區環境營造之過程。最後,提出整體實施方向與建議,企圖找出另一種可成功結合民間資源,讓社區永續發展,進而提昇台灣整體國際競爭力之道。


All over the world there is increasing demand from all sides for more local involvement in the planning and management of the environment. It is widely recognized that this is the only way that people will get the surroundings they want. And it is now seen as the best way of ensuring that communities become safer, stronger, wealthier and more sustainable. To make a comprehensive survey of the development of community environment empowerment in Taiwan, there is still room for discussion and brings up more solutions through the process. The charitable trust is an historical and currently evolving concept relating to the ownership, protection and use of essential natural and cultural resources. It is receiving increased attention in the UK, US and Japan because of the growing awareness of the duty of care owed the environment. The charitable trust may prove useful as the nations of the world develop their own community environment based comprehensive regulation. This research focuses on building charitable trust to improve the community environment, to study the experience of UK, US and Japan, and to interview public, private sectors to build up the model, than to apply on Taipei County Government as a case study. Hopefully, the research will provide suggestions for community environment empowerment strategies in Taiwan and may provide a way for the management of making community environment sustainable.


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錢宏洋(2006)。台灣以土地信託 辦理都市更新模式之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2006.00032
