  • 學位論文


Three Dimensional Interactive Video System and Chip Design Based on the DTHI Technology

指導教授 : 范育成


現今無疑是互動式遊戲與三維顯影技術的世代。在互動式遊戲方面,各大遊戲廠商無不推陳出新以求讓消費者能以更直覺的方式進行互動式遊戲;而另一方面,三維顯影技術也已趨近於成熟,除了需帶眼鏡的三維顯影技術已成功的商業化,裸式型三維顯示器更開始應用於掌上型遊戲機以及手機上面,而未來將這兩項科技整合在一起是必然的趨勢。 為了讓使用者獲得更直覺、更便利以及更容易上手的操控介面,本論文採取單一攝影機擷取即時影像,並將使用者的指令透過影像及演算法將其分析,並透過北瀚科技所提供的FPGA板來進行核心程式的模擬,將接收到的指令以三維立體顯影的方式給予使用者相對的回應。本論文在核心演算法的部份主要著重於手勢辨識與指令操控,並搭配已建立好之三維立體影像圖庫進行模擬,其中演算法部分我們透過Webcam對使用者進行即時的彩色影像輸入,接著對於擷取後的影像透過一連串的處理與DTHI(Dynamic Tracking of Historical Images)的技術進行手部移動資訊擷取,最後透過權衡式掃描來進行手勢指令判定,將使用者指令正確的挑選相對應的結果展現於使用者面前。 本篇論文的研究實現了以更快速的演算法和更直覺的操控方式,提高使用者在操作上的流暢度,同時整合互動式遙控影像技術與三維影像顯示技術,讓使用者能在科技上看見更多的樂趣。


Interactive games and 3D imaging technologies become very popular today. All major game manufacturers innovate interactive games to provide consumers more intuitive user-interface to play games. On the other hand, 3D imaging technology has also been becoming maturely. 3D imaging techniques that need glasses have been successfully commercialized. Naked-type 3D displays also become more and more important today. In order to provide a better control interface for users, we proposed three dimensional interactive video system and chip design based on the DTHI technology. We use a single camera to capture image and adopt FPGA (XC3S500E-PQ208) to implement the proposed method in this paper. At the same time, we also use 3D monitor to show the experimental results. The proposed scheme mainly focuses on gesture recognition and command control in this research. At first, we use a webcam to capture user’s image. Then, we propose DTHI (dynamic tracking of historical images) technology to capture motion information of gesture. Finally, we determine the gesture commands by trade-off scanning algorithm and show our experimental results on a 3D monitor. In this paper, we propose a faster and easier algorithm and chip design for three dimensional interactive video systems based on the DTHI technology. The approach integrates interactive remote technology and 3D image display technology and provides consumer an interesting 3D display and interactive environment.


3D display 3D TV DTHI Interactive Remote Control


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