  • 學位論文

節能型光照系統應用於 地下空間照明之初探

Energy-Saving Natural Light Illumination System(NLIS) Applied for Lighting Underground Space

指導教授 : 陳立憲


針對「線型」地下空間如隧道工程之自然光照系統(NLIS)之應用為主軸,本文除節能照明外;另可考慮綠色生態及環境永續之概念,進行自然日照之「集、導、放」光系統之整合;並對應用於地下空間之多功能加值利用作可行性初探。 研究主以公路隧道照明為整合應用之藍本,短期目標以「可導引自然光替代人工光源之自然光照系統」於改善傳統公路隧道高耗能、耗電之探討,研究依CIE(1990、2004)、CNS與日本道路公團隧道照明規範,並以北宜高速公路雪山隧道為分析案例,對不同區段之輝度進行試算;並與集光磚、導光與放光之光纖元件設計結果配搭並且量化比對,最後建置模型以驗證節能型自然光照系統於公路隧道應用之可行性。 成果驗證則以輝度計對隧道模型實測。依線性光照原理,模型經驗證適確符合;則應可依實際隧道照明規範之建議,建置實際隧道場域之系統輔佐,尤其於隧道出入口之應用除符合規範要求外;更符合規範所不及之人因工程(橘色科技概念)要求以達低耗節能之效果。


In this study, we focus in linear underground space like nature light illumination system applied to tunnel engineering. The concept is according to energy-saving, environment and sustainable development; use the nature light to increase in value of underground space. The principal is use nature light illumination system instead of lamp to improve pollution and reduce power-consuming, beside, we based on a highway of Hsueh-shan tunnel in this case, moreover to manufacture a model of tunnel in according to the design of illumination standard with CNS, and calculate the number of solar collection and optics fiber part, then, build a model of tunnel. The way of survey is measure the Luminance in the model with an instrument of optics, it’s tendency can be achieve to the tunnel illumination standard with CNS, owing to the light is linear, there can be offer illumination in the model, it's mean we can applied the NLIS to the reality location.


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