  • 學位論文


Service Quality Key Performance Index In High Speed Railway

指導教授 : 張文華


台灣高速鐵路的誕生,象徵著台灣交通運輸邁向現代化先進軌道運輸科技的新頁。2007年1月5日,台灣高速鐵路通車試營運,以時速300公里馳騁於台灣西部走廊,拉近台灣南北距離,對於消費、商務及旅遊活動,均帶來相當程度的影響,實現了「一日生活圈」的夢想。 根據高鐵公司2010年6月進行的「高鐵新生活調查」顯示,超過8成的受訪者(82.9%)認同高鐵縮短了台灣的距離,有78.8%的受訪者認為,搭乘高鐵是「有機會一定要體驗的經驗」,而搭乘過高鐵的受訪者中,88.6%覺得搭乘後印象更好。 為了持續穩定成長,台灣高鐵公司2011年業務計畫列出主要公司目標,為達成業務目標,實有必要建立具有客觀性、代表性、可控制性的營運服務品質之關鍵績效指標。國內學術論文探討軌道運輸服務品質績效指標,大部分以消費者為導向,分別探討安全、可靠、舒適、便捷、顧客滿意等構面,建立各項服務品質績效指標,高速鐵路總投資金額超過新台幣五千億元,高鐵營運每年需負擔相當高的利息及設備折舊成本,高鐵為了永續經營,提高經營績效,除了強調「以客為尊」之服務理念外,亦應注重經營成本的效率性及有效性。 本研究以高鐵服務品質為對象,運用所探討之相關績效指標,諮詢高鐵負責制定績效指標單位及執行服務品質之主管的不同意見,運用德菲法(Delphi Method)與層級分析程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),以專家問卷的方式,探討影響高鐵服務品質的各類因素,最後將專家的意見加以歸納整理,將複雜的各類因素,以層級架構的方式呈現,以了解台灣高鐵在營運品質的重點及方向所在,並歸納出下列幾點結論: 一、本研究經整理後,得出3個主要層級架構。其中目標層級為「高鐵服務品質績效指標」,計有6個構面,25項因素。 二、 6項構面中,以「安全」構面最為重要,權重指標高達57.51%。 三、在25項因素中,以「傷亡率」、「事故率」、「售票機可用率」、「車上服務設施可用率」與「延滯時間」等5項因素最為重要。 四、最終歸納出「高鐵服務品質績效指標」的權重排序表,依此架構決定執行輕重緩急與優先順序,以了解台灣高鐵在營運品質的重點及方向所在,將有助於企業內部改善服務品質,提昇公司經營績效。


The Taiwan High Speed Railway (THSR) signifies the modern transportation technical in Taiwan. THSR has started their revenue service from 5 Jan. 2007. The maximum speed on HSR is 300 km per hour. The THSR has turned out to be the key mode of transportation in the Taiwan western corridor. It also connects with the northern and southern in Taiwan, and exerts a few of influence for consumption, business, and tourist activities. The THSR service enables people of Taiwan to live in a “one-day living circle”. As per “the survey of THSR new life” made on June 2010, 82.9% interviewees agreed that THSR shortens the distance of Taiwan. 78.8% of interviewees expressed that that taking THSR has to be experienced once in any case. 88.6% of interviewees felt impressive after taking HSR. In order to keep stable growing, the Business Plan of THSRC has listed main corporate goals. To reach the goal, THSRC needs to build-up the an objective, representative, and controllable in house service quality KPI. The dissertation in domestic, when deals with service quality KPI in railway field, they mostly base on consumer’s opinion and go deep to every aspects of Safety, Reliability, Comfortable, Convenience and Customer Satisfaction to establish related service quality KPI. The total investment amount of THSR has over 500 billion NT dollars. THSRC must pay high interest and equipment cost of depreciation every year. THSRC, in addition to stress the service concept of “In honor of guests”, should also pay great attention to the operation cost efficiency and validity to continue operation and promote management achievements. The study focus on THSR service quality. Using applicable related KPI and to consult THSRC managerial staff in charge of KPI service quality set-up and implementation. To further utilize Delphi Method and Analytic Hierarchy Process for questionnaire analysis to discuss each kind of factors affecting THSR service quality. With opinions of senior experts consolidated to present the level construction's way to manage the each kind of complex factor and with few conclusions derived further as below: I. A structure of 3 major levels has been derived after analysis, in which the goal level as: “Quality Service Key Performance Index In Taiwan High Speed Railway”, there are 6 aspects and 25 factors in total. II. “Safety” aspect is the most critical one among the 6 aspects in aspect level, shows a weighted indicator as high as 57.51%. III. “Injury and Fatality Rate”, “Accident Rate”, “Availability Rate of Automatic Ticket Machine”, “Availability Rate of On Board Service Equipment” and “Delay Time” are 5 most critical ones among the 25 factors. IV. Lastly, a list of “Service Quality Key Performance Index In Taiwan High Speed Railway” by weighted priority is summarized. This list structure will be followed to decide the order of priority in order to understand the key points and direction of operation quality for THSR. It will prove to be very beneficial in improving the service quality in enterprise and to promote management achievements.


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