  • 學位論文


A Study of using stabilized waste funnel glass production permeable brick

指導教授 : 張添晉


映像管顯示器為全球家庭電器中最主要的一項產品,隨著播放技術發展邁向數位化,更多的顯示技術不斷發展,且製造業者積極推動低價大尺寸液晶電視,消費者接受度亦相對提高,使映像管顯示器廢棄量日益增加,以往多數被使用的相關產品皆已進入其生命週期的最後階段。 廢映像管顯示器經過最後的分離處理後,主要被分成面板玻璃及錐管玻璃,而連接兩者的玻璃膠,則會略為平均的被分離至兩種玻璃中,面板玻璃因性質單純,經過處理後之玻璃可依循一般玻璃之再利用方式循環使用,而錐管玻璃因含有較高的鉛,故目前主要的再利用方式為回歸至原製程,然而近年來面臨映像管顯示器的停產,此類型的再利用方式將不再被考慮。 本研究以實驗之方式,本研究使用與廢錐管玻璃同質性高的奈米二氧化矽(SiO2),以類似自體包覆的方式進行實驗,探討經由包覆處理後之玻璃成品穩定度與掺配於透水磚建材之可行性,透過表面觀測及TCLP毒性溶出試驗測試其內部鉛成份溶出之風險,接續測試透水磚之透水係數及抗壓強度,由實驗結果與後續結論提出建議,提供相關產業進行資源再利用之方向。 依據實驗及檢測結果:1.經由SEM的微距觀測分析,可觀察到奈米二氧化矽能以顆粒及薄膜之形式包覆於廢錐管玻璃表面,原廢錐管玻璃TCLP鉛溶出值最高為4352.5 mg/L,經由奈米二氧化矽薄膜式包覆後鉛溶出值最低可降至0.62mg/L;2.利用包覆完成後之廢錐管玻璃成品掺配至透水磚骨材內,經過混合調製、高壓成形及燒結製程,可順利製作出具有符合法規標準之透水率及抗壓能力之透水磚,並測得透水磚之TCLP鉛溶出值最低為2.055 mg/L,由實驗可證明經由奈米二氧化矽之處理技術使廢錐管玻璃中的氧化鉛等有害物質將能夠達到穩定化且不易溶出,利於後續的再利用並避免造成環境的危害。


CRT monitor is one of the major appliances globally. With the development of digital technology in playing, more display technologies continue to evolve. The increasing number of waste CRT monitors results from manufacturers actively promoting large-size LCD TVs at low price and large-size LCD TVs gradually gaining widespread acceptance of consumers. Most of the relevant used products are at the end of life cycle. After the final treatment of separation, the waste CRT monitor is divided into panel glass and funnel glass, and sealant which connects the two glass is separated to the two glass. The nature of panel glass makes it recycled and reused after treated, while the nature of funnel glass which contains high level of lead makes it reused to the original process. However, CRT monitors have just gone out of production in recent years, and this reused method of funnel glass will not be taken into consideration. By experimental method , this study used nano silica (SiO2), which had high homogeneity with the waste funnel glass, to conduct experiments by the method which was similar to cover nano silica itself to explore the stability of final glass products which was treated by covering and the feasibility of being used in permeable bricks. Through the surface observation and TCLP test, we tested the risk of lead leaching from its internal composition and continued testing the permeability coefficient and compressive strength of permeable bricks. By experimental results and conclusions, we made some suggestions to provide related industries with the direction of recycling. By experimental results, first, we can observed that the surface of the funnel glass was covered with silica nanoparticles in the form of particles and film by the analysis of macro observation. The highest TCLP lead leaching value of the waste funnel glass without silica nanoparticles was 4352.5 mg / L, while the lead leaching value of the waste funnel glass with silica nanoparticles was 0.62 mg / L. Second, using the final product of the waste funnel glass with silica nanoparticles within permeable bricks, and adopting hybrid modulation, high-pressure formation and sintering process, we could successfully manufacture permeable bricks whose permeability and resilience in compliance with safety regulations, and the lowest TCLP lead leaching value of permeable bricks was 0.62 mg/L. The experiment proved that the covering technology of silica nanoparticles made harmful substances such as lead oxide within the waste funnel glass stable and insoluble, and was good for reusing and avoided environmental harm.


【6】How It's Made: CRTs (Cathode Ray Tubes),Discovery Channel
【10】TV recycling via laser beam,www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyn8FsX0aio
【11】CRT Recycling by MRT System,www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT2DOwvLQoE
