  • 學位論文


Study on Properties of the Insulator with High Thermal Conductivity by Boron Nitride Composite Fillers

指導教授 : 蘇程裕


近年發光二極體產業蓬勃發展,在發光效率未有重大突破之前,若要維持高功率發光二極體之壽命,整體散熱能力將是重點。現今MCPCB構裝之高功率LED燈具以環氧樹脂作為絕緣層,其熱傳導能力約為0.3 W/m-K,屬於熱障層將導致嚴重的熱積存現象產生。六方氮化硼之片狀結構具有高鍵結力之共價鍵,因此沿著片狀結構具有優異的熱傳導能力,但是層與層之間的鍵結力主要為凡德瓦力,因此熱傳導能力僅約1.3 W / m-K。 本研究係成功使用噴霧造粒法製備h-BN/Al2O3氮化硼複合球體做為高分子聚合物之填充材料,研究成果顯示,添加純BN於bisphenol-A中,當含量10wt%之後,黏度由68CPs上升到6534CPs而50wt%BN的球型氮化硼複合材料(AB11) 添加量到達25wt%時,黏度測試值僅1802CPs; 20-80wt%的氧化鋁/氮化硼球型複合粉體(AB14)20wt%於bisphenol-A中,熱傳導係數為1.02 W/m-K,優於添加20wt%的純BN 0.90 W/m-K。由結果得知,經球型化的BN複合粉體可以有效的提高環氧樹脂複合材料中無機材料的添加比例,並大幅改善六方氮化硼只能沿單一方向進行熱傳導的缺點,降低BN使用量,減少材料成本。


In recent years, LED industry is flourishing, no major breakthrough in the luminous efficiency before, to maintain a high-power LEDs of life, the overall cooling capacity will be the focus. Today MCPCB packaging of high power LED lamp with epoxy resin as the insulating layer, the thermal conductivity of about 0.3W/m-K, it’s thermal barrier layer for LED package. The hexagonal boron nitride with a high bonding strength of covalent bond, so the structure along the sheet has excellent heat transfer capacity, but heat transfer between layers ability to only about 1.3W/m-K its bonding Force van der Waals force mainly. In this study the use of spray dry techniques for producing h-BN/Al2O3 boron nitride composite powder as the filler polymer, It could increase the proportion of materials and inorganic materials and improve the hexagonal boron nitride single direction only along the shortcomings of thermal conductivity. Research results show that add to bisphenol-A content in the BN reaches 10wt%, the viscosity increased to 6534CPs but the 50wt% BN spherical boron nitride composite material (AB11) added 25wt%, the viscosity test value of only 1802CPs Add 20-80wt% alumina / boron nitride composite powders ball (AB14) 20wt% in bisphenol-A, the heat transfer coefficient is 1.02W/mk, it’s better than adding 20wt% of h-BN (0.90W/m-K), we can reduce the use of BN to reduce material costs.


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