  • 學位論文


The Key Success Criteria in Land Development by Hsin Chung New Potential Block

指導教授 : 邱垂昱


隨著都市發展及迅速開發,都會生活及商業活動成形,活動空間需求持續增加,人口密度集中於都會區,都會區可開發土地稀少,土地的利用及整合開發相對困難。土地為房地產業不可或缺的元素或關鍵原料,且房地產產業之投資興建、企業經營、獲利等等與土地開發、土地取得關聯性相當密切。因此,如何多面向的觀點針對該土地特性及條件嚴密的評估與分析,發揮其最大的土地利用及開發效益,是一項值得探討的議題。 因此,本研究以「新莊副都心重劃區」為研究對象,首先運用德爾菲法(Delphi method)篩選出評選指標,接著結合層級分析程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process; AHP)發展出一套決策模式,以評選出房地產業土地開發之關鍵成功因素。根據研究結果顯示,對於房地產業來說「總體市場構面」是房地產業評選土地開發最關鍵成功構面,其次是「區位環境構面」及「財務計畫構面」,最後則為「交通因素構面」。 總結而言,希望藉由本研究所提出的研究方法與架構,彙整一套解決方案來評選出「房地產業土地開發之關鍵成功因素」,作有系統之評估排序,以提供房地產業者開發土地的評估應用工具及決策時之參考。


As the city develops rapidly, business activities require more space. People gather in the metropolitan area which makes land developments more and more difficult. Land resource is the key to estate companies which deal with land property development. The technology of evaluating the values of estate through different investment criteria will help estate owners in making proper investment decisions. The research focuses on finding the key success factors for the estate investment of “Hsin Chung new potential block” located in new Taipei city. The Delphi method is first utilized in screening the decision criteria of estate investment. Then the Analytic Hierarchy Process is used to develop the hierarchy and weightings of the estate investment decision. According to our research, the “overall market” is the most essential criterion in making estate investment decision. The other important criteria include “block environment”, “financial project” and “traffic”. As a result, this research proposes an approach in finding the key success factors of estate investment which provides the guide lines for estate investor in making good estate investment decisions.


Estate Company land development Delphi method AHP


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