  • 學位論文


Research of Electric Vehicle Project at Vocational High School ﹣The Design & Manufacture of Small Electric Vehicle

指導教授 : 吳浴沂


本研究以高職汽車科學生所學之專業知識為基礎,利用學校實習工廠的設備來製造一輛低功率單人乘坐的小型電動車為研究主題,從車型概念設計、零件3D圖面繪製、結構分析到實際製作,均由學生與老師共同參與執行。製作過程中從資料的搜尋、零件的尋找、工具的購置、零件的製作、建檔到基本工具的操作與施工法的探討,均強調以學生為中心和以專題活動為主的教學方式,透過團隊合作的學習方式提升學生發現問題與解決問題的能力。 本研究採用CATIA軟體作為開發電動車的輔助設計工具,透過電腦軟體上的整合設計在電動車尚未製造前就可以預估所須的材料數量,正確的零件尺寸與完成後整車的大小與重量,能夠將所有的零件與製作流程建檔,並產生出三視圖,作為生產資料的建立依據。更透過人因工程的功能設定,提高車輛未來完成後乘坐的舒適性,如此有別於傳統的製作方式,可大為提高製作成功率,在製作過程中除可強化學生的使用工具的基本技能外,依所需也可安排專業講師教授學生學習其它新的技能。 本研究期望教師依論文中的設計概念與製造流程,指導學生製作出屬於自己設計風格的小型電動車輛,亦可作為開發動力機械群汽車科領域「專題製作」課程的研究參考。


電動車 低功率車輛 充電能


The goal of this research is to utilize the vocational high school workshop equipments to build a low power single passenger electrical car. The work started from the 3D design of the concept car and all parts. Then the students who involved in this project do all the structural analysis and material fabrications with the guidance of the teacher. During the processes of data survey, part searching, tool purchasing, parts building, filing, and even the basic tool usage and fabrication method selections, all these steps are emphasized on the student centric and project oriented education method. By focusing on teamwork, we enhanced students’ capabilities on finding out and solving problems. This work used CATIA software as the CAD/CAM design tool. Using the build-in model, we can estimate the material needed, estimate part size and predict the final size and weight before having the prototype built. We can file all parts used alone with their manufacturing processes and also create 3D figures. This can be the basis of future manufacturing database. Furthermore, by leveraging the feature of human factor in the tool, we can design the final electrical car with enhancing the comfort of the passenger. This methodology has major advantage over traditional method. It improved the chance of successfully making the automobile. This approach not only trains students with basic skills of tool usage but also train students other skills and knowledge. We hope this work can help teachers in such a way that by following the design and fabrication process to guide students build an electrical car with their own personal style. Also, we hope this paper provide good information for designing the “special projects” curriculums of automobile field in power-machinery engineering.


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