  • 學位論文


Study on the flooding prevention and disaster mitigation strategies land planning management caused by typhoon storm in the low-lying areas behind the levee: A case study of the lower reaches of the Fatsu River.

指導教授 : 彭光輝


臺灣遭受颱風豪雨侵襲的機率很高,加上地勢坡陡水急,使得沿岸或地勢低窪地區居民總是最先遭受直接衝擊的受害者,如2009 年莫拉克颱風造成臺灣中南部地區五十年來最嚴重的八八水災,導致生命財產的重大災害。 為預防颱洪災害對堤後低窪地區所帶來的水患及生命財產威脅,本研究目的係以「颱洪災害防治」的觀點,遴選台中筏子溪下游進行實證研究,釐清颱洪災害成因並探討其對堤後低窪地區之衝擊影響,其次進一步瞭解颱洪災害管理及緊急應變措施之推行。透過文獻回顧與整理、實地現況調查及淹水潛勢資料分析,瞭解近年重大淹水事件、防洪工程與河川整治計畫,並藉助日本及荷蘭常年抗洪之防洪減災經驗,檢視其可供本研究對於堤後低窪地區土地規劃管理之應用。最後藉由專家問卷及模糊德爾菲法,針對具有颱洪災害管理經驗、都市及建築規劃及河川治理規劃相關領域之專家學者進行郵寄式問卷調查,以專家意見建立堤後低窪地區防洪減災之可行管理方針,提供臺灣因應長期氣候變遷及短期颱洪災害之堤後低窪地區防洪減災策略之參考。


Due to typhoons and heavy rain has high probability occurred in Taiwan, making the residents are the first to suffer a direct impact on the low-lying or coastal areas. Such as in 2009, the typhoon Morakot was the deadliest typhoon to impact Taiwan in recorded history, lead to loss of life and property in seriously. In order to reduce the flooding in low-lying areas behind the levee, the purpose of this study is based on "Taiwan's flood disaster prevention" point of view, and then focuses on the lower reaches of the Fatsu River. To clarify flood disaster in Taiwan and discuss it shocks in the low-lying areas behind the levee. Secondly to further understand the typhoon disaster management and emergency response measures implemented. Primarily through literature review, field study and flooding probability analysis, the research aims to understand significant flooding events over the years, flooding control and river remediation plans. Then by working on the Japanese and Netherlands experience of flooding prevention and disaster mitigation, it reviews the feasibility of improving the risk to the low-lying areas behind the levee. Finally, through to expert questionnaire and Fuzzy Delphi Method, mailed to scholars for experience with disaster management and river remediation plans. The study proposes improved land planning management and disaster mitigation strategies in low-lying areas behind the levee; and provides Taiwan a response to extreme climate rainfall and land planning management in low-lying areas behind the levee as reference.


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