  • 學位論文


The Universal Design Evaluation Index and Satisfaction of Urban Neighborhood Parks: A case study of Banciao District in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 宋立垚


隨著都市人口結構變遷,對於都市公園的需求亦日趨多元化,但是公園的規劃、相關設施及維護管理等,都是應該要考量使用者的需求,始得發揮公園應有的功能。然國內目前無障礙評估仍以建築物為主,對於戶外空間的公園評估仍未有果。 為了更有效的瞭解公園是否有達到使用者的需求,本研究經由文獻搜集得知公園通用設計的技術規範項目,藉以該技術規範為準則歸納成「通用化公園評估項目檢核表」,對新北市板橋區全數的鄰里公園進行評估,以期瞭解新北市板橋區鄰里公園通用化之程度,以提供設計者進行鄰里公園規劃設計及整修維護管理時的參考。 本研究以「通用化公園評估項目檢核表」作為研究工具,並以全國總人口及身心障礙者總人數之冠之新北市為研究範圍,且以該轄範圍內人口數及身心障礙者最多的板橋區為研究標的,故本研究以板橋區內共計23座鄰里公園為評估檢核的樣本。 結果發現(1)公園內應具備何種的設施設備並未有明確的規定,導致在通用化評估有顯著的差異。(2)新北市板橋區鄰里公園通用化的程度,除了出入口以及路徑寬度、淨高通用化程度較高之外,其餘項目的通用化程度普遍偏低。本研究建議(1)政府明定公園層級應設置的設施設備規定及訂定公園設置管理辦法。(2)公園技術規範目前尚屬建議修正準則階段,應比照建築物無障礙設計規範的方式,由中央納入立法執行。


通用設計 鄰里公園 滿意度


With the structural changes of the urban population, the demands for urban parks have become more diversified. A park can function well only when its scheme, facilities and maintenance management are considered under user's needs. In order to find out whether the parks have reached the user's demands, the author collected some general design codes for parks through document study. Then the author summarized those codes and turned them into a “General assessment checklist for parks”. Next, the author investigated every neighborhood park in Banciao district of New Taipei City. This research took the “General assessment checklist for parks” as a tool and studied New Taipei City which is the most populated county in Taiwan. Furthermore, the author took the most populated district—Banciao as the study target. So this research took all 23 neighborhood parks in Banciao as the samples of assessment. The result shows that (1) Because the types of facilities in the parks were not defined clearly, there was a very big difference in degree of satisfaction in the survey results. (2) The Universal Design evaluation of Banciao district in New Taipei City, the entrance, the width and clear high of the path are more higher Universal Design evaluation than the others items. The suggestions are (1) Set up rules for park management and specify the required facilities for different levels of parks. (2) Park design codes are still just recommended guidelines. The government should make it into legislative execution just as the handicapped design codes for buildings.


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