  • 學位論文


Investigating Employed Staff’s Acceptance Behavior on Electronic Shelf Label by UTAUT and TTF model

指導教授 : 陳凱瀛


近年來,平面顯示器產業技術已趨成熟,而在市場蓬勃發展的帶動之下,紛紛投入新技術之顯示器的開發,可撓曲顯示技術且最有密切相關的就是電子紙。在電子紙的許多應用中,又屬電子貨架標籤之應用最為廣泛,且在日本及歐洲地區已漸為流行,日後也將積極於台灣市場推廣電子貨架標籤的運用。 本研究以科技接受整合模型與任務科技配適度之整合,建立研究架構模型,採用問卷調查法蒐集資料,探討從業人員對電子貨架標籤之行為意圖,是否受到績效預期、付出預期、社會影響、設施條件所影響,研究結果顯示任務及科技特性會影響任務科技配適度,任務科技配適度及付出預期皆會影響績效預期;從業人員之行為意圖會受到績效預期及社會影響所影響。此外,探討本研究模型中各構面,是否受到干擾變數之影響,研究結果顯示,模型中之性別會對社會影響與行為意圖間產生干擾;從業年資會對設施條件與行為意圖間產生干擾作用。最後,總結研究指出的結果將提出有助於零售買賣業者及物流業者之經營策略與管理方式之建議。


In recent years, flat panel display technology (LCD, OLED, PDP, FED, etc.) has matured. However, under the market vigorous development, many companies and research institutes have invested in the development of new technologies of the display. The flexible display technologies and is most closely related is the e-paper. In many applications in e-paper, the application of the most widely is electronic shelf labels. In Japan and Europe have gradually popular, in the near future, electronic shelf labels will also are actively promoted in the Taiwan market.This study explores the factors that affect employed staff to acceptance electronic shelf label system by using UTAUT and TTF model. The participant size was 351, and test reliability, validity, and SEM were verifying the hypothesis. Result indicates that Task Characteristic and Technology Characteristic have a positive effect on Task-Technology Fit, Task-Technology Fit and Effort Expectancy have a positive effect on Performance Expectance, and Performance Expectancy and Social Influence have a positive effect on Behavioral Intention. Research results will propose to help retailers, trading industry and logistics industry's business strategy and management.


E-paper Electronic Shelf Label UTAUT TTF


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