  • 學位論文


A heuristic algorithm to the general shift assignment scheduling problem

指導教授 : 林逾先


近年來受到金融風暴的影響,造成許多企業業務大幅縮減,但企業又必須滿足季節性與週期性產品以及服務需求,所以只好讓員工超時工作以降低人力成本,但卻頻傳出員工過度工作而造成過勞死。除此之外,有些企業會透過對員工的偏好性來分配工作,使部分人力資源沒運用到,而造成人力過剩的問題,因此如何適當地規劃人員排班以滿足服務與產品品質之穩定以及降低人力成本之浪費,便成為一個極重要的議題。 建構一個有效率的人員排班系統應該要能達到總人力成本最小的目標,且每同時滿足每一時段的最低人力需求,不致於人力太少而手忙腳亂,或人力過剩而浪費人力成本。在執行上,此項人員排班系統在操作上必須簡單而易於明瞭。 雖然啟發式演算法的答案無法保證是最佳解,但啟發式演算法的排班可以解決複雜性排班問題,且其解題時間比起數學規劃的最佳解要快很多。因此本研究開發一項啟發式演算法解決一般性時段內的人員排班問題,達到降低人力成本。


Recent financial crisis has caused business reduction of many companies substantially. In order to satisfy seasonal and cyclical demands of products and services, many companies chose to let employee work overtime to reduce labor costs. As a result, employee frequently perished from overworking. In addition, some companies allocate works by employee preference whereby the human resources were not fully utilized. This, in turn, has caused the problem of staff surplus. Therefore, it is important to properly conduct the staff scheduling to improve service and product quality and reduce labor costs. To implement an efficient staff scheduling system, it is necessary to reach the minimum labor costs while observing the minimum number of staffs required at each shift so as to prevent manpower shortage or manpower surplus. In practice, this staff scheduling system should be less complicated and easy to understand. Although the solution quality from heuristic algorithm cannot be 100% optimal guaranteed, heuristic scheduling algorithm can successfully solve complex scheduling problems with relatively less computation time than mathematical programming. This study develops a heuristic algorithm to solve the general staff-shift scheduling problem aiming at reducing labor costs and efficient allocation of manpower demands.


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