  • 學位論文


A Study on The Effects of Using Unbalance Bidding in Construction Bid

指導教授 : 林正平
共同指導教授 : 王友恭


國內外政府及私人單位皆有採用不平衡標(Unbalanced Bidding),但國內外文獻不平衡標都只著重於探討不平衡標對承包商的效用及行為影響,鮮少有對業主及整體合約的分析,而不平衡標主要有三種類型:前端加重法(front-end loading)、後端加重法(back-end loading)與特定項目加重法(quantity error exploitation)。本研究主要探討在不平衡標採用前端加重法及在合約中無物調條款情況下對承包商、業主及整體合約之影響,進而衡量不平衡標相較於平衡標(Straight Bidding)合約整體效益之改變。 在實務上機關及公司因信差(Credit Spread)使融資利率不同,因此本研究為引入利差的概念,分別計算不平衡標對承包商收入及業主支出之影響,進而可計算不平衡標對合約整體效益之量化衡量方法,進一步利用市場機制的原理探討承包商與業主間如何分配合約效益,並根據上述分析可在某種市場環境及條件下不平衡標將可對業主產生效益。 一般文獻皆陳述不平衡標會增加風險不利於業主,目前業主風險皆僅用簡單的定性探討,本研究將針對業主採用不平衡標後相較於平衡標所增加的風險量化分析,並研擬履約保證金策略以分配此財務風險,進而衡量不平衡標相較於平衡標之合約剩餘(△Net Surplus),並分析各種情況下對業主之損益。


Government and private owners all use Unbalanced Bidding domestically and internationally, however, most literary works focus on the effects on general contractors alone. Few delve into the effects Unbalanced Bidding has in regards to the owner and the contract as a whole. There are three types of Unbalanced Bidding: front-end loading, back-end loading, and quantity error exploitation; but this study will focus on front-end loading, its effects on the contractor, owner and analyze the difference Straight Bidding VS. Unbalanced Bidding has on Surplus of Contract. Presumably the contract is without the Price Adjustment Clause. Due to the reality of Credit Spread affecting financing rates; to quantify how Unbalanced Bidding will affect Surplus of Contract, Interest Rate Spread concept will be used to compare contractor’s and owner’s expenditure and revenue. Determining an ideal situation where Unbalanced Bidding will benefit the owner as well, Free Market theory will also be used to examine how Surplus of Contract will be allocated between the two parties. While most Unbalanced Bidding studies point to the increased risks burdened upon the owner using qualitative evaluations, this study will try to quantify such risks and develop counter measures (e.g. Performance Bond) and related costs to determine the best scenario for the owner through the measurement of Net Surplus of Contract.


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