  • 學位論文


Evaluation Research of Urban Environment Infiltration Effectiveness of Permeable Pavement

指導教授 : 鄭光炎 陳彥璋


近年來由於都市開發密度愈高,則都市不透水性鋪面率愈高,地表逕流及洪水頻率相對增加、剝奪了生物空間與土壤水分涵養功能、都市高溫化,更減少了地下水的補助與河川之基流量,同時也造成了河川污染之虞,此即為近年來台灣地區洪水屢創新高與都市熱島效應之眾多成因之一,而施設透水性鋪面即為一有效之改善方法。因此,探討現地透水性人行道對於都市熱島、土壤水分涵養之影響,以及不同透水性面積比例對於入滲效益之影響為本研究主要課題。 本研究透過一長期並為有效之室外試驗進行人行道觀測,利用透水性鋪面取代傳統之不透水性路面。試實驗結果當該次降雨累積雨量小於35mm時,幾乎無地表逕流發生,則該次雨量入滲亦高達九成以上;透水性鋪面對於地表溫度降溫之效果則於為下雨過後第一天,透水性鋪面與不透水性鋪面之溫度差異最高可達5~8℃。 為考量透水性鋪面全面施設實為不易故本研究便於室內進行連續三小時之人工降雨試驗,藉此瞭解經由不同擺設方式不同透水面積比例下。對於地表逕流與地下水補助量之影響。試驗發現當透水性鋪面擺設為較為分散之建築基地方式時每增加20%不透水性面積,則地表逕流提早測得約8分鐘;而透水性鋪面擺設為較集中之人行道方式時每增加20%之透水性面積,則可延遲地表逕流約5~8分鐘。


Due to the higher density of development in the urban, impermeable pavements is being used increasingly, runoff and flood frequency are relatively increased and reduce water absorption and permeation capability, even it results the urban temperature higher than suburban. Another impact is a reduction of infiltration which lessens groundwater recharge and potentially lowers stream base flows. Runoff from impervious areas may also increase pollutant loads to streams. Thus, the use of impermeable pavements is one of the many reasons that have caused increasingly serious flood and urban heat island in Taiwan in recent years. One of these effective methods in these problems is to be laid extensively permeable pavement. On one hand this study examined the long-term effectiveness of permeable pavement as an alternative to traditional impervious pavement in a sidewalk. Virtually when rainfall less than 35mm/hr,all rainwater infiltrated through the permeable pavements, with almost no surface runoff, the benefit of the infiltration can reach more than 90%. The ability of the dropping in the ground temperature of the permeable pavement can reach 5~8℃ and the effect of the dropping in ground temperature can continue one day after the rainy day. On the other hand is study through indoor laboratory experimentation, and assess the different paving method and different permeable proportion with 3 hours of artificial rainfall to know the permeable pavement to restrain the runoff of the rainfall and the effects of the percolated into the groundwater. The permeable paving method of simulation is more scattered results the surface runoff will occur 8 minutes time step early when increasing per 20% impermeable pavements. The other permeable paving method of simulation is more concentrated results the surface runoff will occur 5~8 minutes time step later when increasing per 20% permeable pavements.


permeable pavement infiltration runoff heat island


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