  • 學位論文

精緻教學理論輔以Prezi簡報軟體融入國小社會學習領域對學生學習 動機及學習成效之影響

The Effects of Applying Elaboration Theory of Instruction with Prezi Presentation Software in Social Studies on Elementary Students' Learning Motivations and Learning Outcomes

指導教授 : 楊心怡


我國當前社會學習領域的教學所受到的重視不若其他領域,教師在教授社會學習領域課程時,仍偏重講述及畫重點等線性方式進行教學,學生則被動的聽講以應付考試,造成學生對社會學習領域學習動機及學習成效的低落。為尋求更有效的學習方式,適當地教學策略及資訊科技之輔助被視為提升教師教學品質及學生學習上的另ㄧ種可能性。 本研究旨在探討「精緻教學理論輔以Prezi簡報軟體」融入國小社會學習領域對學生學習動機及學習成效之影響。採準實驗研究法,以臺北市某國小兩個六年級的班級為研究對象,分為實驗組和對照組,實驗組21人,接受「精緻教學理論輔以Prezi簡報軟體」之教學,控制組22人,依原本的教學方式授課。本教學實驗為期六週,在教學前、後皆實施「教材動機量表」及「社會學習領域期中、期末定期評量」,其所得之資料將以描述性統計、魏可遜配對組符號等級檢定和曼惠尼U檢定進行統計處理,以驗證本研究之假設。 其研究結果如下: 一、採「精緻教學理論輔以Prezi簡報軟體」方式授課之實驗組學生較控制組學生在學習動機上有顯著的提升。 二、採「精緻教學理論輔以Prezi簡報軟體」方式授課之實驗組學生較控制組學生在學習成效上有顯著的提升。


Our attention on the elementary social study teaching is not as that of other studies. Teachers still prefer lecturing and underlining the text when teaching social studies curricula, thus making students passively sit in merely for the purpose of passing the examinations, resulting in low motivation and learning outcomes in social studies. To seek more effective instructional strategies, information technology is considered an approach which may improve teaching qualities of teachers and learning results of students. The purpose of this research was to find out the effects of applying elaboration theory of instruction with Prezi presentation software in social studies on elementary students' learning motivations and learning outcomes. This study adopted the method of quasi-experimental research on two 6th grade classes which comprised of experimental and control groups, with 21 students in experimental group, 22 students in control group. The experimental group received the the elaboration theory of instruction with Prezi presentation software , by contrast, the control group received traditional teaching. This study lasted for six weeks. Before and after the experiment, these two groups took the Instructional Materials Motivational Scale (IMMS), and social studies midterm and final examinations as pre-and-pro test. Then the descriptive statistics, Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test and Mann-Whitney U test were used to test the research hypotheses. In contrast to traditional teaching, the results show that: 1.Using “The elaboration theory of instruction with Prezi presentation software ” could better improve elementary school students’ learning motivations. 2.Using “The elaboration theory of instruction with Prezi presentation software ” could better improve elementary school students’ learning outcomes .


石國棟、黃美瑤、黃永旺(2006)。ARCS 動機模式的介入對國小三年級學童動作技能表現、動作概念與學習動機之影響。國立體育學院論叢,17 (2),45-46。


