  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Long Distance Transportation and Collection Management for A County MSW

指導教授 : 章裕民


本研究以A縣為研究個案,針對A縣經行政院環保署核定停建焚化廠後,所採行之跨區轉運合作模式,進行垃圾轉運垃圾組成之調查與分析、運輸工具之評析、轉運成本分析、轉運計量之查核及轉運站營運管理等之研究,以了解A縣轉運管理之成效。 以A縣近三年垃圾乾濕基物理組成分析結果發現,A縣以廚餘、紙類及塑膠類差異最大,顯示廚餘與紙類含水率最高,垃圾中廚餘與紙類最容易受天候影響,在化學組成分析部分,則以碳元素28.03%與氧元素18.63%所佔含量比較多,其次為氮元素3.75%、氫元素3.49%、硫元素0.48%與有機氯0.33%,若加強廚餘回收再利用工作,推估可減少5,068.2公噸清運成本及焚化成本。 在不同運輸工具之空氣污染物及運輸成本比較結果發現,以公路、鐵路複合式運輸所造成之空氣污染衝擊較低,但在運輸成本上則以公路運輸較低,目前以公路運輸方式較適合A縣處理垃圾問題,惟A縣至B縣僅有單一公路可行駛,倘遇有中斷情形,建議以鐵路做為緊急應變之替代運輸,或評估運載至他縣焚化。 在轉運計量查核與轉運站管理方面,平均每月轉運車次為183車次、轉運量為3,555公噸,垃圾出場量及焚化量之差異值均在A縣所規範標準值內;為提升轉運站環境衛生品質、維護站內設施及監督轉運過程之合法性,A縣採委外方式進行相關查核工作,並制定標準作業化程序。 由本研究相關分析結果顯示,A縣轉運站轉運作業成效良好,惟公路經常性中斷問題需待克服,在運輸工具選擇上,可評估環保與經濟平衡之最佳模式,在落實資源回收工作方面,則應再加強廚餘、紙類及塑膠類回收,以達到減少廢棄物產生及落實資源回收政策之目的。


This study uses County A as a case study. After County A stopped construction of incineration plant by decree from the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuen, it used a cross region transport collaboration model. This study conducts an investigation and analysis of the composition of the garbage that is transported, analysis of the transportation equipment and transport costs, a review of the transported quantity and the management and operations of the transfer stations to understand the effectiveness of the transport management of County A. An analytical outcome of the physical composition of wet and dry garbage base of County A over the last three years indicates that the differences among the food waste, paper and plastic are the largest, with the water content among the food waste and paper being the highest and being most easily affected by weather. In terms of chemical composition, analysis shows that carbon at 28.03% and oxygen at 18.63% being the highest, followed by nitrogen at 3.75%, hydrogen at 3.49%, 0.48% at sulfur and organic chlorine at 0.33%. If the recycling of food waste is strengthened, it is estimated that 5,068.2 metric tons can be reduced, leading to lower transportation and incineration costs. A comparison of the air pollution of different transportation equipment and cost shows that the combined transportation approach of highway and railroad lead to lower level of air pollution, while transportation using highway has lower transportation costs. Currently, using highway for transportation is more suitable for County A in terms of handling its garbage disposal. However, as there is only one highway that connects County A to County B, it is recommended to use railroad as an emergency replacement method if the highway cannot be used; another solution is to transport the garbage for incineration to another county. In terms of the review of the transported quantity and the management and operations of the transfer stations, the average monthly transport number is 183 trips with transported quantity of 3,555 metric tons. The difference in values between the output of dump site and incinerated amount is within the standards regulated by County A. To raise the environmental and health quality of transfer stations, maintain facilities within the transfer stations and to supervisor the legality of the transport process, County A outsource the related review and audit work to a third party and defines a standard operating procedure. The outcome of this study shows that the performance of County A’s transfer station is good. The only problem that needs to be overcome is that highway access is frequently interrupted. In terms of the selection of transportation equipment, the best model that balances environmental protection and economics can be evaluated. In terms of implementing recycling work, more emphasis should be placed on the recycling of food waste, paper and plastic to reduce the production of garbage and implementing the objective of recycling policies.


行政院環境保護署,一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄專案整合工作計畫, 2004年。
行政院環境保護署,中華民國96年12月環保政策月刊,2007,第1-2 頁。
