  • 學位論文


Application of Lean Six Sigma and Generic Competitive Strategies on Organizational Reengineering- A Case Study on ASUS

指導教授 : 陳凱瀛 邱垂昱


PC產業經過數十年歷程,隨著後PC時代的來臨,產品使用規格統一的大量生產,加上資訊之普及與快速,各廠商間的技術能力差異不大,不再是高門檻難以跨越,導致市場競爭就愈形激烈。而移動裝置如智慧型手機、平版的崛起,加速PC產業步入成熟衰退期。面對外在經營環境改變之時,企業需針對外在環境與內部組織制定一套轉型策略以求永續經營。誠如杜拉克(Drucker)所言,主動領導變革固然有風險,但不思變革,甚至抗拒變革的風險將會更大(劉毓玲譯,2000) 本研究以個案研究法進行華碩組織變革案例探討,瞭解華碩是如何以「人」與「產品」為變革核心,並應用精實六標準差及基本競爭做為變革管理策略。而本研究將以組織變革之觀點做出發,將華碩變革過程歸納為三步驟「企業策略再思考」、「組織轉型」、「變革管理」作為研究之架構。希望透過個案公司的轉型歷程,來瞭解企業如何在內外在環境已改變的狀況下,「人」及「產品」變革策略的形成,並分析歸納出企業成功轉型的關鍵因素,最後對企業提出當面臨轉型時之具體建議,可做為其他企業欲轉型時之參考。


After decades of buoyant development, the personal computer (PC) industry has now plunged into the post-PC era. Products are being massively produced under uniform specifications. New information spreads at lightning speed. The gap of technical capabilities among competing brands has been narrowed, and the threshold for entering the market lowered, ushering in even more intense competition at the market place. The emergence of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets has only hastened the PC industry to its decline. In the face of such drastic changes in its external environment, enterprises must formulate a set of business strategies in accordance with its external circumstances and internal organization structure in order to develop sustainably. As Peter Drucker has once argued, there may be risks in initiating change, but, ignoring or even resisting change would only exacerbate those risks. This thesis is an in-depth case study of the organizational reengineering on ASUS. The company’s core transition has been focused on “people” and “products”, and adopted Lean Six Sigma and Generic Competitive Strategies in its organization change management strategy. This thesis studies the transition process of ASUS in three aspects, namely, “rethinking the corporation strategy,” “organizational reengineering,” and “organization change management.” By studying the transition process of ASUS, this thesis hopes to shed light on how a corporation formulates a set of changing management strategies for “people” and “product” in order to cope with the shifts in its internal and external environment. This thesis then pinpoints the key factors in driving a successful organization reengineering, which would provide concrete and useful perspective for other businesses facing similar situations or contemplating changes.


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