  • 學位論文


Study of the Monitoring Control for the Roadway System of Waste Energy Storage and Electric Generation

指導教授 : 丁振卿 洪祖全


本論文在開發道路廢能儲存與發電之監控裝置,道路廢能儲存與發電系統是一種利用車重來壓縮油壓缸以收集道路廢能進行發電之裝置。此外,本論文更自行開發監控所需的感測元件,研究以壓電材料(PZT)及開發利用光遮斷感測元件結合類比式壓力表之壓力檢測裝置,用於檢測道路廢能發電裝置之使用狀態。實驗中所使用的壓電材料(PZT)為鋯鈦酸鉛壓電陶瓷材質,再分別使用外直徑3.1、4.7、6.3、8.0mm的紅銅管製作皮托管(Pitot Tube),作為量測流體壓力之感測元件,抓取流體壓力以辨識受壓塊之狀態。量測時,以流體衝擊不同管徑之皮托管內壓電材料,再使用LabView軟體配合資料庫(MySQL)進行電壓值記錄並分析。結果顯示,直徑6.3mm管在檢測顯示上比較好,但訊號起伏上不夠穩定。另外,以光遮斷感測元件搭配類比式壓力表,雖只能做單一壓力值的檢測,卻能穩定且精確的檢測出道路廢能發電裝置之損壞程度。本論文所研發針對道路廢能儲存與發電系統之遠端監控裝置乃採用NI美商國家儀器的產品Real Time Compact RIO與多張擷取卡配合軟體LabView進行監控系統研究開發,並透過LabView內部之伺服器進行遠端監控。其所監測部分有發電機發電功率、道路廢能發電裝置損壞監控、車次計數、位能儲能槽能量檢測及多組發電機自動切換設計等。本論文還特別對道路廢能發電裝置之材料進行研究,探討材料成本、使用壽命、抗壓程度、加工成本與加工難易度等,探討材料主要有金屬材料與非金屬材料兩大類,而金屬材料主要為不鏽鋼、鐵、青銅與鋁鎂合金;非金屬材料主要為AB膠、混泥土與塑鋼土,實驗結果與分析顯示,混泥土在目前材料特性與經濟成本上都具有一定發展性。


This paper aims to develop the monitoring control system for the roadway system of waste energy storage and electric generation which captures energy while vehicles run over its pressure pieces. Moreover, this paper also developed the required sensors using piezoelectric (PZT) material and photo interrupter integrated with analog pressure gauge for detecting the system's working state. The applied PZT is lead zirconate titanate which is integrated with different diameters of copper pipe 3.1, 4.7, 6.3, 8.0mm to build the Pitot tube. The home-made Pitot tube will capture the flow pressure and determine the working state of the pressure pieces. The flow pushed the PZT sensor of Pitot tube with different diameters during measurements and the output voltage is recorded by the LabVIEW program integrated with database of MySQL. The results show that Pitot tube with diameter of 6.3mm received better information, but it is notstable enough. Furthermore, the photo interrupter gauge can not only detect one voltage, but it can also capture stable and precise value to the pressure pieces. The applied monitoring control system is developed by using the National Instrument (NI) Real Time Compact RIO and more other capture cards integrated with LabVIEW software. The remote monitoring control is through the server of LabVIEW. The monitored things are output power of the electric generator, working state of the system, vehicles number recoraling, potential energy storage and automatic changing of multiple electric generators, etc.. This paper especially investigated material of the pressure piece including material cost, life time, resist and manufacturing feasibility. The investigated maerials consist of metal and non-metal materials, where the metal materials are stainless steel, iron, bronze, and aluminum-magnesium alloy; the non-metal materials are AB glue, cement, and steel soil. The results show that cement has the best feasibility in the consideration of material property and cost.


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