  • 學位論文

網路訊息類型對口碑意圖的影響 -以訊息豐富性作為干擾變數

Using the Morderating Role of Information Richness in the Effect of Internet Information on Word-of-Mouth Intention

指導教授 : 蔡瑤昇


由於口碑的立場不同於一般商業訊息,故往往被視為更具說服力與客觀性的資訊來源,亦不乏研究顯示口碑的影響力超乎商業訊息。然而,隨著電腦技術的發展與應用,商業訊息的呈現愈能藉由多媒體與各種影音方式來增加訊息的效果。特別是考量資訊呈現以及產業類型下,口碑是否仍具優勢則有待商榷。故本研究以不同類型的網路訊息為焦點,並將訊息豐富性作為干擾變數,探究其對瀏覽者口碑意圖之影響。 本研究採二因子實驗設計方式針對口碑及商業訊息加以操弄,以經驗性旅遊產品為標的,將受測者以系統隨機分派至各實驗組的方式進行網路問卷蒐集,共計回收250份問卷,有效樣本數共計225份(90%)。經分析結果顯示,網路口碑與商業訊息對瀏覽者口碑意圖之影響有顯著的差異,而此結果受訊息豐富性顯著地干擾;亦即不論訊息來源為何,豐富性較高者對瀏覽者口碑意圖之影響愈大。


Because the word of mouth is different from commercial message, it is always regarded as the information resource which is more persuasive and objective. Many studies show that the influence of word of mouth is more immense than commercial message. However, with the development and application of computer technology, the multimedia technology has been used to increase the effects of commercial messages. It has not been evidenced whether word of mouth has a great advantage under different presentation of information and the type of business. Therefore, this study focuses on the effects of different types of network, commercial and word of mouth messages, and the messages richness is used as the moderator in order to explore the impact on receiver's word of mouth intent.   This study is based on two factors experimental design and gives an example of travel products to explore the effects. We collect 250 questionnaires through online questionnaire, and there are 225 total effective samples. The results show different types of network messages.(commercial messages and word of mouth)will influence word of mouth intentions with significantly different, and richness have the moderating effect between type of network messages.(commercial messages and word of mouth)and word of mouth intentions. This means that no matter where is the source of information from, the higher richness messages have greater impacts of receiver's word of mouth intents.


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