  • 學位論文


The Design of Spirit-Relaxed Furniture

指導教授 : 楊明津


時代變遷越來越快,知識也爆炸式發展,因此生活步調也越來越緊湊,人們生活在高壓力的環境中,如果無法把壓力紓解,長期下來會使身心失去應有的協調。而身心失衡會使自律神經系統及賀爾蒙系統失調,由心情上刺激演變到對身體各部位的影響,包括內分泌、代謝、免疫、循環、消化等,自律神經系統及賀爾蒙系統失調會變成二十一世紀主要的健康危機。 根據心靈放鬆理論基礎及心靈放鬆家具分析後,歸納出五個心靈放鬆意象化元素,1.天然有機材質的使用,2.和諧的產品色調,3.特殊的功能需求,4.整體氛圍的呈現,5.造形元素,最後以桌、椅、燈具系列作品呈現,以心靈放鬆為主軸,所寄予的期望在於作品中的本質。心靈放鬆就是一種紓解壓力的觀念,少一點物質追求,多一點精神生活,簡樸、純淨。盼藉此讓使用者們對心靈放鬆行動內在意涵的體認。


As the trend of times changing faster and the explosive development of technology, the pace of life is getting packed and people live under highly stressful environment. If stress can’t be released, body and mind will eventually lose its coordinate after long period of time. Unbalanced body and mind causes uncoordinated Autonomic nervous system and Endocrine system. In other words, irritation on mind becomes affections to other parts of body, including Endocrine system, metabolize, immunity, circulatory system, alimentary system, and so on. Therefore, uncoordinated Autonomic nervous system and Endocrine system will be the main crises on health in the 21 century. According to the basis of mind relaxing theory and the analysis of mind relaxing furniture, this creation induces five mind relaxing imaged elements: 1.the using of natural organic materials, 2.harmonious hues of the product, 3.the need of special functions, 4.the presentation of the atmosphere, 5.shaping elements, and then present in a series creation of table, chair, and lamp, which contains expectation of mind relaxation as its main idea. Mind relaxation is a stress releasing concept that seeking less material wealth, having more spiritual life, keeping simple and pure. Hoping that this creation can let the users feel the real meanings of mind relaxing activities.


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