  • 學位論文

一個利用Problem Frames推導User Stories的需求發展方法:導入Persona

Deriving User Stories from Problem Frames with Persona:A New Method for Requirement Development

指導教授 : 鄭有進


Problem Frames是用來分析拆解問題的方法,強調先瞭解軟體需求與真實環境的關係,找尋所有可能發生的問題,再透過Problem Frames中Frame Concerns 描述各domain間互動的關係,發現可能忽略的需求細節。接著利用Frame Concerns推導出User Stories,幫助專案團隊快速掌握需求的規模數量。然而,此方法以分析功能性需求為主並未協助發展以使用者同理心出發的需求,最終完成的產品即使符合stakeholder與Scrum團隊的期望也未必滿足產品使用者的真正需求。Persona是一種原型,透過分析歸納某族群所共同擁有的動機行為而建構出的代表模型。因此將Persona導入Frame Concerns,透過Persona鮮明的動機行為來分析需求,可以幫助Scrum團隊解決過多個人主觀意見造成設計與實作時產生的爭議。本論文以一個實際案例「體重控制軟體 – ezWeight」來說明此需求發展方法的可行性。


Problem Frames are an approach to analyze and decompose software development problems. It has been found that by analyzing the frame concerns of problem frames, user stories for agile development can be obtained without missing important details. This thesis seeks to further improve Problem Frames based user stories derivation by including persona, which is a composite user model obtained from cross-case analysis using primary inductive reasoning. Writing frame concerns with persona can help resolve conflicts that arise when making design and development decisions. An example on developing requirements called “Weight-Control application – ezWeight” is presented to demonstrate the feasibility of this method.


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