  • 學位論文


Underground Water Table Analysis Using Image Simulation

指導教授 : 陳水龍


地下水偵測傳統上都屬於破壞性檢測(Destructive Surveying),如:淺層震測、地電、大地電磁、監測井、鑽孔、開挖等,是相當耗費人力和成本。地下水位亦可使用非破壞性方法(Nondestructive Surveying)檢測,如:耦合性地電阻法和透地雷達。本研究即使用透地雷達對於地下水位進行檢測,在施測後圖像判斷精確度因判圖人員之經驗有所誤差。因此,有必要發展一方法來提升偵測技術和提高準確性和精確度。 本研究蒐集研究地區地質剖面資料,使用Matlab工具軟體,自行撰寫程式進行FDTD模擬透地雷達剖面過程和結果。將Matlab模擬結果和地質剖面、透地雷達施測結果相互比對,以增加圖像判斷精確度和數值模擬可信度。


Destructive surveying techniques were traditionally adopted for groundwater detection, such as shallow seismic, electric resistivity, magnetotelluric measurement, monitoring wells, boreholes or excavation, each of which demands manpower and costs. Nondestructive surveying can be used for groundwater table determination; for example, coupled electric resistivity method and ground-penetrating radar. In this study, ground-penetrating radar was selected to survey the groundwater table. The accuracy of identifying the images obtained after the measurement varied between image readers due to the difference in their experience. As a result, it is necessary to develop a way to improve both the surveying technique and accuracy. The geological profile data was collected for the area of study. Matlab was used to develop a program for FDTD simulation of process and results of the electromagnetic wave transmission during the measurement using ground-penetrating radar. The Matlab simulation results were compared with the geologic profiles and ground-penetrating radar measurements to increase the accuracy of image interpretation and credibility of numeric simulation.


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