  • 學位論文


A Study on the Individual and the Institutional Investors’ Sentiment in Taiwan

指導教授 : 趙莊敏


依據Barber and Odean(1999)等人研究發現,投資大眾的投資行為會因為「認知上的幻覺」(Cognitive illusions),例如:不理性、過度自信、反應不足與過度反應等行為而影響投資決策,也就是每個人的認知狀況會隨著個人經驗、選擇及背景而有所差異。從2007年初開始台灣股市投資人信心隨著全球股市表現良好、外資不斷湧入,這股激勵作用加上股市投資人情緒高昂,台股指數至第三季初逼近萬點;緊接著國際原油價格飆升、原物料價格上漲、總統大選將至等因素的影響,台股亦蒙受考驗。在這個投資市場上的主角,是否還能夠維持客觀理性的行為,值得我們深入探討。 在過去的投資情緒研究中,大多以基本面來探討「情緒」,相關投資者情緒的主題進而探討股票市場和心理情緒的關係、影響與報酬,以及心理因素導致市場波動的尚在發展中;故本文多方參照「投資情緒」變數後將研究範圍分為:散戶以及投資機構,分別以前期成交量、前期報酬率、消費者信心指數、ISM指數、消費者物價指數以及躉售物價指數作為主要研究變數。


According to classical financial theory, individual investors tend to base their investment decisions on whether the invested target is capable of generating a future return exceeding the amount to be invested. An underlying assumption of the traditional theory, however, is that investors are believed to be rational; they would, for example, endeavor to reduce systematic risks by diversifying their investment portfolios. Beginning of the Taiwan stock market early in 2007, the confidence of investors as the global stock market performed well and the influx of foreign capital continuouly. This phenomenon incentive stock market and added investors of emotional. Followed by soaring international crude oil prices , raw materials prices and the presidential election is approaching and etc, stock market suffered the test. The data used in this study is observed from 2007 to 2008. The sample companies in this study are the stocks listed in the Taiwan 50 index and Taiwan 100 index .Survey data on investor sentiments such as pre- volume, pre-return, Consumer Confidence index, ISM index, CPI and WPI. This study applies OLS regression model to examine the relationship between the trading volume of individual investors and institutional investor and the emotional variables.


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