  • 學位論文


Customer Service Knowledge Management System in Application of Electronic Science and Technology Industry

指導教授 : 林榮禾


現今社會產業競爭愈加劇烈,如何在一片紅海中脫穎而出,成為市場上的領導者,是許多企業期盼的目標。為達成期盼目標,各企業除了在技術、品質、設計和成本上積極改善之外,也引進以顧客為主的思維來提昇企業競爭力,也因此在台灣許多高科技產業的企業,都將自身定義為是以顧客為導向的服務業,為的就是要將公司達到世界級企業水準。 故「以客為尊」的服務業,如何即時且正確地處理客戶的抱怨或是提供問題解答,成為時下熱門的研究領域之ㄧ。若是能建置ㄧ套自動分類且即時回覆的線上顧客服務系統,將大幅的改善服務品質,降低顧客等待回應的時間,以提升顧客對企業的滿意度;減少重複處理相同或不必要的訊息,以節省企業內部人力成本與時間成本。 本研究提出ㄧ套半自動化的顧客服務系統的概念,以兩階段的方式來進行:(1) 顧客留言自動分類︰利用文字探勘的技術,初步的先將顧客的留言自動分類,並自動的將顧客留言發送給責任部門。(2) 顧客問題自動回覆︰應用案例式推理的技術,與各案例的關鍵字詞進行相似度比對,比對和顧客留言問題相似度越高的案例資料,便可立即將其答覆回覆給顧客。參考以往解決方式處理,即時且迅速的給顧客答覆,將提升顧客對企業的滿意度及忠誠度。


Nowadays, the competitions in society industry are getting fiercer than ever. How to stand out from the crowd in a competitive market to be the leader is the goal in many enterprises. In order to achieve this goal, the companies not only improve the technology, quality, design and cost, but also introduced “customer primarily” to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises; thus many high-tech companies in Taiwan define themselves are “customer-oriented” service industry to achieve world-class enterprise standard. How to handle customer complaints and questions in a timely and proper manner is an issue of paramount importance in “customer-oriented” businesses, which has accordingly triggered extensive studies in recent years. An online customer service system capable of automatically classifying incoming questions and providing immediate responses will thus be a valuable asset in enhancing service quality and customer satisfaction. To save internal labor costs and time costs, it is necessary to reduce redundant duplication information dealing with the same or frequency questions for the sake of facilitating real-time responses to customers. The study is proposing the set of semi-automated customer service system with the concept of two-stage approach to carry out: (1). Automatic Classification ︰ First, using text mining techniques to classify the initial customer messages automatically. Second, using the system sends classified messages to the responsible departments respectively. (2). Customer Problems Automatic Reply︰Application case based reasoning technology, and the case keywords for similarity matching. Compared to customer questions, the highly similar case can immediately reply to customer. Reference to the past solution processing, real-time and reply promptly to customer, will enhance customer satisfaction and corporate loyalty.


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