  • 學位論文


Simultaneous Removals of Cr(VI) and Organic Pollutants using Photocatalyst with Ion Exchange Membranes

指導教授 : 陳孝行


本研究利用光催化觸媒結合薄膜程序探討併同處理六價鉻及有機污染物,光觸媒(TiO2)經由光能激發反應生成電子-電洞對,產生e-與h+可以同步進行氧化與還原作用,有利於處理極度氧化態的Cr(VI)與極度還原態的EDTA,再依據勒沙特列原理,當e-持續消耗將增加h+之可利用率,因此對於兩種污染物去除結果進行比較。 本研究首先利用光觸媒單一對於Cr(VI)與EDTA處理,再將兩種污染物混合進行併同處理測試,同時可以選定光觸媒之最佳添加量以及當污染物在單一及併同處理下之反應去除率差別,再利用離子交換薄膜進行內部反應機制的探討,選定陰離子薄膜以及陽離子薄膜,根據反應之污染物電性以及離子半徑探討光觸媒在不同環境下之內部反應機制,經由光觸媒之同步氧化還原反應結果顯示,當Cr(VI)與EDTA之濃度為50mg/L時添加1.00g/L之TiO2,倂同兩種污染物處理對於Cr(VI)在240分鐘時,去除率較單一去除時高出約為27.9%,且添加過量之TiO2(大於1.00g/L)會造成UV光難以穿透進而產生遮蔽現象(block effect ),且有鑑於併同處理之反應較單一處理時佳,故增加有機污染物量進行測試同步氧化還原之最佳條件,結果顯示當添加Cr(VI)與EDTA之添加莫耳比在1:1.3時,Cr(VI)去除效果在120分鐘即有99.0%以上且EDTA亦有96.0%以上的去除效果,雖然EDTA去除率隨著添加量增加而下降,但是當添加Cr(VI)與EDTA之添加莫耳比在1:3.5時,有機污染物的去除總量達到最大且Cr(VI)仍有99.0%以上的去除效果。 根據質量守恆檢視總鉻之質量並未平衡,經由XRD與EDS之儀器分析結果顯示,光觸媒將部分之鉻酸鹽吸附於其表面,當使用最佳添加量1.00g/L之TiO2吸附率約為41~48%,且利用光觸媒併同處理兩種污染物之反應條件皆在酸性條件下為最佳,當將pH值調整至中性亦或是鹼性時,反應去除效果成效隨之遞減,且利用GC/MS分析有機污染物分解完之副產物為異丙酸胺,再增加薄膜程序利用離子交換薄膜進行內部反應探討結果顯示,當併同處理兩種污染物時,將會使電子-電洞對之表面束縛力降低,電子會由於電洞與有機污染物反應後降低吸引力,且當Cr(VI)被還原成Cr(III)時,由於薄膜兩面電性中和且因離子半徑及薄膜孔徑之結果分析,單一去除或是有機污染物之添加量不足時Cr(III)會有經由勒沙特列原理再氧化之作用回復成Cr(VI)。


TiO2 併同處理 六價鉻 EDTA 薄膜程序


In this research using Photocatalysis theory is that photocatalistic utilizes UV light to excite electric-hole pairs accordingly e- and h+. TiO2 can not only be oxidized by electric-hole, but also can reduce the contaminant by electric. In other words, the oxidant contaminant is degraded when the electric exists in water; witch is according to Le Chatelier's principle that consumption of the e- can increase h+. Therefore, the result shows the treatment rate of using TiO2 simultaneous treatment oxidant and reductant contaminants is better than single rate, and this is the first step of this research. According to photocatalysis theory, TiO2 not only can not only be oxidized, but also can reduce the contaminants. When simultaneous treatment Cr(VI) and EDTA are 50mg/L by 1.00g/L TiO2, simultaneous treatment Cr(VI) removal efficiency is more than single 27.9%. If the adding of TiO2 is more than 1.00 g/L, it can cause block effect that decreases the removal rate. Because simultaneous treatment efficiency is more than single, EDTA concentration can be enhanced to 400 mg/L. Therefore, it is the best result found to deal with Cr(VI) for 50 mg/ L and organic pollution in 400 mg/L in the water, and Cr(VI) is over 99% of the efficiency rate during 120 minutes; moreover, the efficiency of EDTA at one minute can also be over 96%.. According to the mass balance, it can be found that chromate has loss mass. Analysis results of XRD and EDS show that photocatalistic absorbs some chromate on its surface about 41~48% by adding TiO2 1.00 g/L. The best is under the acid condition with the response condition of dealing with these two kinds of contaminants. When the pH value is adjusted to neutral or base, their response decreases. When we combine ion exchange membrane and deal with two kinds of contaminants, we can discuss the inside reaction. Because electric hole reacts with organic pollution using ion exchange membrane, it shows that electric-hole pairs surface strength can be reduced. According to radius of ion and electric neutralization of two side of membrane, Cr(III) could not pass through the caion exchange membrane, Cr(III) could be oxidized back Cr(VI), and it shows that photocatalistic has simutanious oxidant and reduction contaminants. When single removal or organic pollution is not enough, Cr(VI) is reduced into Cr(III), according to Le Chatelier's principle.


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