  • 學位論文


A Study on Career Maturity of Senior Students at Elementary Schools in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 林俊彥


本研究以Super的生涯發展理論為立論依據,探討桃園縣國小高年級學生生涯成熟情形,透過問卷調查,瞭解桃園縣國小高年級學生生涯成熟情形,並比較不同背景變項的國小高年級學生在生涯成熟度上之差異情形。   研究透過自編之「生涯成熟問卷」作為資料蒐集,共回收正式問卷685份,經剔除無效問卷78份後,共得有效問卷607份,可用率為88.6%,並加上有效之預試問卷108份,共得715份有效資料進行分析。透過集中量數、變異量數、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析後,獲致下列結論: 一、桃園縣國小高年級學生「整體生涯成熟度」表現情況良好,且「自我形象」與「認識工作」二項任務亦皆表現情況良好。 二、就整體「自我形象」任務而言,其發展呈現情況良好狀況。 三、就「自我形象」任務而言,不同性別、年級、學校地區等變項皆無顯著差異,但在家庭社經地位變項有差異,高家庭社經地位者其發展較佳。 四、就整體「認識工作」任務而言,其發展呈現情況良好狀況。 五、就「認識工作」任務而言,不同性別、年級等變項皆無顯著差異,但城市地區、高家庭社經地位者,其發展較佳。 六、本研究以桃園縣國小高年級學生為例,提出生涯成熟度之參考效標,作為生涯輔導參考使用。其中中位數之分數為4.16;第一四分位數(Q1)之分數為3.71;第三四分位數(Q3)之分數為4.50。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the situation of career development of senior students at the elementary schools in Taoyuan County on the basis of Super’s career development theories and to compare the differences among those students with different backgrounds in the way of questionnaires. The self-developed “Questionnaire of Career Maturity” was used to collect data. We received 685 returned questionnaires while 78 of those had incomplete data. The valid response rate was 88.6%. After adding valid 108 pre-questionnaires, there were 715 raw data to be analyzed. Statistic methods such as measure of central tendency, measures of variation, independent samples t-test, and one-way ANOVA were employed for data analysis. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1.The situation of “entirety career maturity” of senior students at elementary schools in Taoyuan County was good. Besides, both of “self-concept” and “career-awareness” tasks performed well. 2.In the aspect of “entirety self-concept” task, the situation of development was good. 3.In the aspect of “self-concept” task, there were no significant differences for pupils of different gender, grades and the locations of schools, however, those with high social economic status were well-developed. 4.In the aspect of “entirety career-awareness” task, the situation of development was good. 5.In the aspect of “career-awareness” task, there were no significant differences for pupils in terms of gender and grades, however, those in urban schools and with high social economic status developed better. 6.This study took senior students at elementary schools in Taoyuan County as samples, and provided the reference criteria for career maturity as career guidance. Among the all data, the value of medium is 4.61, the value of the first quartile (Q1) is 3.71, and the value of the third quartile (Q3) is 4.50.


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