  • 學位論文


A Study on the Learning Satisfaction of the Music Students from the University of the Arts in Metier Courses

指導教授 : 林輝亮


本研究旨在探討台灣地區國立藝術大學音樂系學生專業課程學習滿意度,研究經由文獻探討、專家學者諮詢,據以建構研究的信效度,自編製問卷調查表為研究資料的蒐集工具,正式調查問卷內含藝術大學音樂系學生基本屬性12項、專業課程學習滿意度五層面、32細項,針對藝術大學音樂系學生加以調查統計分析,以次數分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析等分析方法,探討國立藝術大學音樂系學生專業課程學習滿意度之情形,期望依據研究結果提出具體建議以供學校及教育行政單位作為未來教學與推行藝術專業教育之參考依據。本研究所獲重要結論如下: 一、藝術大學音樂系學生女性多於男性,但專業課程學習滿意度男性高於女性。 二、藝術大學音樂系學生專業課程學習層面滿意度,以「教師教學」最高,「學習環境」最低。 三、藝術大學音樂系學生在專業課程學習中,學生無論主修、副修、選修類別有所不同,均對教師教學層面的主修上課時數感到滿意程度最高。 四、藝術大學音樂系學生在專業課程學習中,將來選擇國外研究所為繼續進修之目標者之人數為多,但以繼續就學時選擇國內研究所之學生的滿意程度較高於選擇國外研究所之學生。 五、藝術大學音樂系學生生涯最大期望,選擇追求更高表演藝術方向者,不論在人數及其滿意程度皆高於選擇符合現實音樂市場需求者,顯示藝術大學音樂系學生在專業課程學習中所追求之目標乃是以最高層次的表演藝術為主。


The purpose of this study is to explore the learning satisfaction with métier course to the music student of university of the arts in Taiwan region, and consequently it brings to a conclusion through document investigation and consultations with experts and scholars to set up credibility of the study. In addition, compiling a questionnaire is used as collection tools for research data. For this purpose, the formal questionnaire should consist of 12 basic attributes to the music students of university of the arts, and「course intension」、「teacher teaching」、「learning environment」「learning outcome」、「relationship」five layers, 32 de-tailed items, related to the learning satisfaction with métier courses. Furthermore, this study is to analyze the related factors on learning satisfaction with métier course situation by way of computer software statistic SPSS 10 of statistical analysis, Percentage analysis, T-test, , and one-way ANOVA . It expects to submit some substantial suggestions for colleges and educational administrations to enhance future teaching and arts education. In summery, this study draws some important conclusions as follows: 1 .Concerning the music students of university of the arts, female is more than male, yet as for learning satisfaction with métier course, male is better than female. 2. Concerning the learning satisfaction, teachers’ teaching is the highest, whereas the learning environment is the lowest. 3. In the process of learning métier courses, students feel most satisfied towards the teachers’ teaching regardless of majors, minors, or electives. 4. According to the statistics, after graduating from university, those who will choose to study abroad are more than those who study at home, yet the latter feels more satisfied than the former. 5. The greatest ambition for the music students is to purse high-level art performance. Therefore, those who choose to carry out high-level art performance no matter people or satisfaction , they feel more satisfied than those who choose to perform in accordance with market demand, this study shows the music students of the university of the arts are always in the pursuit of high-level art performance for life.


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