  • 學位論文


Development and Biocompatibility Tests of A Novel Paramagnetic Nano-membrane

指導教授 : 王賢達 黃豪銘


在生物醫學材料的發展史上,皮膚替代物與傷口的敷料是很重要的一環,尤其是在燙傷或是糖尿病患者久未癒合的傷口治療上。找尋一個具功能性佳與便宜的人工敷料,便成為現代醫學急需努力的目標。很多研究都證實了:磁場的刺激可以促進傷口的癒合。但是,磁場真正與生醫材料配合使用於磁性敷料的發展,卻仍然未見。故本研究之主要目的為,磁性敷料於生醫材料之發展。 實驗首先使用化學共沉澱法製作四氧化三鐵奈米粒子(magnetite),然後以穿透式電子顯微鏡分析四氧化三鐵奈米粒子,再以不同比例調配的四氧化三鐵奈米粒子與聚乳酸的混合溶液,藉由電氣紡絲(Electrospinning)技術,使混合溶液於高壓電場下,通過紡絲嘴射出奈米纖維,而得到奈米纖維薄膜。我們發現84.2 %的四氧化三鐵粒子大小會集中於2-8 nm,而充磁後之薄膜,平均表面殘磁強度為0.28±0.06 高斯,並與厚度具有線性相關性(R=0.82)。除此之外,當重量百分比為3g/3g (Fe3O4 /PLLA) 時,會有超順磁的表現。由血液凝血分析和MTT實驗結果可知,此薄膜有良好之生物相容性。本研究的發現結果,可以進一步作為未來動物實驗之參考資料。


In the treatment of extensively burned patients, grafting of devitalized tissue is the major source of skin replacement. However, patients with large surface area burns cannot be completely grafted. Artificial skin replacement and wound dressing offer effective treatment for burn and wound care in the treatment of patients with large surface area burns. Accordingly, development of a functional and cheap artificial dressing has become an urgent goal for emergency medicine. Many researches have proved that magnetic stimulation can promote wound healing. However, artificial dressing combined with static magnetic field is still unavailable. With this regard, the aim of this study is to develop a novel magnetic dressing material. The Fe3O4 nano-particles were prepared by the chemical-precipitation method, and the diameter of there particles were analyzed using transmission electron microscopy. After mixing the Fe3O4 nano-particles and poly-lactic acid (PLLA) solution with a concentration of 3g/3g (Fe3O4/PLLA), membrane with nanofiber was manufactured via electrospinning technique. Our results showed that the diameter of the Fe3O4 nanoparticles concentrated at 2-8 nm (84.2%). After magnetizing the new-developed PLLA- Fe3O4 membrane , we found the residual magnetic intensity was 0.28±0.06 G, and there exists an approximate linear relationship between the magnetic intensity and membrane thickness (R= 0.82, p<0.05). The results of cell viability and blood coagulation tests demonstrated that our PLLA- Fe3O4 membrane has excellent biological compatibility. These results can serve as a reference for future animal studies.


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