  • 學位論文


Developing the rainfall threshold of inundation risk and integrating with Flood Early Warning System

指導教授 : 朱子偉 謝龍生


在經歷民國93年的72水災及94年612水災等重大災害後,災情顯示每逢颱風暴雨期間嘉義沿海地區不但易釀成淹水災害甚至更有發生海水倒灌的可能性。鑑於水災的發生頻仍,本研究之主要目的係建立一簡易迅速之淹水預警研判機制,並納入區域防洪設施之排水能力,以研擬當地可能發生淹水之降雨門檻值。研究進一步應用此門檻值,設計接收即時降雨監測及水情資訊,即可即時研判是否有發生淹水之風險。 研究選取嘉義縣龍宮溪排水系統為示範區。首先應用美國陸軍工兵團所發展的HEC-HMS(Hydrologic Modeling System)降雨-逕流模式,以運動波法(kinematic wave)分析龍宮溪排水系統洪峰流量,模式經檢定及驗證後之效率係數均達0.9以上,顯示模式已能掌握研究區域排水系統特性。研究再分別以不等的設計雨量模擬此排水系統之洪峰流量。當模擬之洪峰流量恰超過不同渠道通水能力及保護標準下之設計洪峰流量時,此設計雨量則訂為該通水情況或保護標準下,可能發生淹水之降雨門檻值。所訂定門檻值可對整治後渠道提供一至三級之警戒降雨量,並進一步評估各排水系統幹支線在排水特性上之優劣。 研究最後利用降雨門檻值發展即時淹水風險分析模組,將其整合於颱洪預警系統中,配合定量估計降水及預報資料,即時計算龍宮溪排水系統重要控制點各時刻之淹水風險值。系統以72水災、612水災、609水災及聖帕颱風事件分別驗證,結果顯示預警系統模擬之淹水分析皆相當接近各淹水事件之調查結果,顯示出此系統已有一定之應用價值。


The disastrous inumdations, such as 72 and 612 Flood Disasters in 2004 and 2005 respectively, induced by severe typhoons have become routine in the coastal area of Chiayi County. In addtion, the land subsidence and seawater intrusion due to the over-pumping freshwater from aquifer weaken the capability of regional drainage system. This study aims to develop a non-engineering measure(rainfall threshold)and integratie with the Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) for early evacuation and disaster prevention. The early warning mechanism is to establish the rainfall threshold that generates peak flow just over the designed capacity for each control point of the drainage system. At first the calibrated and validated HEC-HMS(Hydrologic Modeling System)model is employed to simulate the peak flows in the drainage system by kinematic wave method. The design hyetograph with rainfall depths for different return periods are the major model inputs to simulate and find the critical peak flow that just over the design value. The specific rainfall depth is therefore defined as the threshold for probably flooding. Finally, the established rainfall thresholds are applied and integrated into FEWS with the rainfall forecasting to assess the risk of flooding. The system was validated by several events including 72, 612, 609 Flood Disasters and typhoon Sepat, for the simulation results matched closely with those disaster investigations. It is therefore concluded that the system is of great value for early warning in flooding disaster alleviation and prevention.


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