  • 學位論文


The Application of Coffee Residue Ash As into Concrete Metrical

指導教授 : 林利國


由於國內絕大多數建築係採用混凝土材料,使得水泥及砂石之用量需求極高;如今,因為國內天然資源有限,材料來源已逐漸耗竭,然混凝土材料仍是國家發展基礎建設及公共工程所不可或缺之工程材料,因此若能尋求可替代之料源,將可降低對於環境的衝擊;因此本研究思考將一般僅能當作廢料之咖啡渣(Coffee Residue)於高溫燃燒後所產生之咖啡渣灰(Ash of Coffee Residue),應用於混凝土材料上,並觀察其工作性(Workability)、抗壓強度(Compressive Strength)、水化放熱(Hydration Heat Transfer)、光學顯微鏡觀測(Optical Microscope)及於受外力作用下時破壞模式量測等之巨觀及微觀變化情形,以找出最佳之添加量。 由於先前研究分析探討顯示隨著咖啡渣添加比例的增加,工作性及抗壓強度均會相對降低,且砂漿試體內部之孔隙亦會增多且孔洞變大導致強度與耐久度不足。因此本研究將其中影響強度之物質藉由提升溫度的方法,去除後再加入水泥砂漿中製成試體,以減少有機物質與吸水率之影響;經由其抗壓試驗結果顯示添加600℃15%咖啡渣灰之試體強度約達未添加之70%,且600℃之咖啡渣灰試體強度皆高於500℃咖啡渣灰之試體強度;添加咖啡渣灰試體的水化放熱較未添加略低,由微觀顯示比較下水化膠體亦隨著咖啡渣灰的添加量增多有減少的趨勢。


With the rising of environmental awareness and the consuming of the natural resources the issue of energy reuse has been gradually emphasized by the public. Therefore if we can find the alternative material we may be able to relieve the effect that brought by the problem. This research the coffee residue that usually is being regarded as the trash and fuel into the concrete mortar. Meanwhile this research observes the workability compressive strength setting timeESPI test hydration heat transfer. This research also uses the optical microscope to observe the major and minor difference to find out the best amount that should be added into mortar. By doing so this research discusses the feasibility of applying the ash of coffee residue. Through the measurement and experiment by the research we find out to add 5% and 10% of coffee residue ash into the mortar is more feasible than others. Additionally after several experiment we also find out the gravel sand that has being added 15% and 20% the is lower. With the adding of the percentage the workability and the flow test will decrease comparatively and the crack inside the gravel sand. In addition the result of the compressive strength also shows that when the percentage of coffee residue ash adding increased the amount of absorbing will also rise comparatively. This will decrease the compressive strength. By an example of identical percentage we know that the longer we put the higher the compressive strength. We can also know from two examples of an experiment of compressive strength that respectively add the 600℃coffee residue ash and the 500℃coffee residue ash the 600℃samples compressive strength is better than 500℃ no matter comparing with duration and the percentage.


Coffee Residue Ash Trash Reuse Compressive Strength


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