  • 學位論文


To Facilitate Short Throw Projector for Home and Personal Environment

指導教授 : 黃子坤


全球投影機市場一直以來都集中在商用及教育市場為主。對一般家庭而言,為了追求大尺寸的視覺享受選擇投影機當作家庭娛樂的顯示工具;但由於投影機裝置困難、設備連接不便以及空間限制,其市場還不夠普及。近幾年業界研發短焦投影機種,有別於傳統投影機的特性,只需要更短的投射距離,就能投影大尺寸畫面。此項技術突破將帶來使用面的變革。 投影機向來以商用及教育市場為主,較少考慮到家庭的使用情境。因此本研究以短焦投影機的特性,依照家庭型態規劃出三種典型住家的使用情境:(1)休閒的明亮空間環境;(2)高畫質影像與情境享受環境;(3)具臨場感可活動空間環境。並以實地觀察法歸納投影機在三種典型住家情境的使用限制與需求,並依照長短焦投影機的特性進行規劃,並分析比較其適用性。 將投影機在三種典型住家情境的使用規劃,以專家訪談進行評估。歸納短焦投影機應用在住家環境中具有下列優勢:(1)短焦投影機明顯地賦予使用者較具彈性的活動空間。(2)短焦投影機安裝的位置有利於週邊設備的連接;(3)短焦投影機安裝的位置遠離觀賞者,可降低投影機產生的熱氣、噪音與投影光線的干擾。由於投射距離變近,改變了現有的使用習慣,因此,依據理想配置環境分析結果,由六位設計師團隊提出四款短焦投影機概念設計,並以焦點團體訪談,針對家庭與個人市場,提出短焦投影機的設計建議:(1)短焦投影機宜強調具其移動性與方便攜帶,以區隔大型液晶電視機市場;(2)短焦投影機宜以直立式造形與方便使用之手提把凸顯特色;(3)短焦投影機連接埠應設置於投影機的前方(與鏡頭同方向);(4)短焦投影機機背成為面對使用者之主要部分,宜加強美觀設計,並裝設指示燈;(5)可延伸開發符合個人市場之獨特性產品。


The projector is widely used in business market, and so is in education market. However, very little families use projector for home entertainment due to difficulties of installation and space arrangement. The short - throw project can present large screen at a shorter distance, which provides users with flexibility of space arrangement. Three typical scenarios were defined to simulate man-machine interaction in family environment. They are: (1) leisure space and bright environment. (2) high quality video environment. (3) activity space. with virtual reality effect . Field observation was carried out to analyze the optimal scenario planning. Three interior designers were interviewed for evaluating the feasibility of planning scenarios. The applicability of short-throw projector in family environment is confirmed with following features: (1) better connectivity with related products, (2) less noise and heat interference, and (3) flexibility of space arrangement. Finally, a team of six industrial designers base on the scenario planning developed a list of design specification for future short-throw projector: (1) conveniently portable; (2) stand up style; (3) place connectors on the front panel; (4) nicely designed back panel with pilot lamps.


1.ANSI, 1997, International standard : Electronic projection-fixed resolution projectors (Standard No. IT7.228), Geneva Switzerland : IEC.
2.IES, 1987, IES Lighting Handbook Application Volume, Illuminating Engineering Societyof North America.
