  • 學位論文


An innovative method for realtime monitoring and measurement of intrapleural pressure

指導教授 : 張合


肺臟是人體執行呼吸功能重要的器官之一,在進行胸腔手術的各種程序中,測量肋膜腔內壓可以幫助治療與確保病患的安全性,特別是在排除肋膜積液或空氣時,然而,目前臨床上缺乏簡單、實用與低成本的肋膜測壓計。因此本研究設計新的測量肋膜內壓方法,提供一個較客觀且有效的肋膜壓力測量。 肋膜壓量測設計主要分為三部分;壓力感測點的設置、壓力電路的製作與實驗測試。將壓力感測點設置於胸腔引流瓶上,在引流過程中就可以監測肋膜壓力的變化,在感測電路方面由易取得之電子元件組成,主要部分有感測器、單晶片、訊號擷取系統等,量測的壓力變化,經由訊號擷取至軟體介面可記錄儲存分析壓力變化的意義,之後進行壓力校正、引流瓶的感測測試與動物實驗來驗證此方法的可行性。 壓力量測測試結果顯示該感測方法是有效的,我們成功製作出一個低成本、可攜式的、可重複使用、簡單方便操作的肋膜測壓計,於實驗測試中可以量測到壓力的變化量與紀錄儲存,在引流瓶感測的設計上,可以更方便的應用於臨床手術上,不必於臨床手術增加多餘的程序與時間進行壓力監測。 目前本研究的測壓計提供一定的可行性,未來測壓計的裝置可以應用於臨床上肋膜疾病的病患,透過肋膜壓力變化與即時監測,提供醫師一個輔助工具,使醫師能以更客觀的角度來評估病患的術前、術中的嚴重程度及術後的恢復程度。


The lung is an important organ with respiratory function. During the course of thoracic surgery, measurement of pleural pressure is quite useful for assessment of patient’s condition and evaluate for the severity of disease. Although the monitoring is essential but currently there is no convenient and practical method to monitor the pressure. Therefore, in this study, we designed a new measurement method to monitor the pleural pressure, with which it can provide a more objective and effective pleural pressure measurement. The study design included three parts; choosing an adequate site of pressure sensor placement, the pressure circuit fabrication and experimental testing in the animals. The pressure sensor point is set in the chest drainage bottle during the course of drainage, with which the fluctuating pleural pressure can be monitored. The whole device used an integrated processing chip and simplified circuits for data collection and analysis. In order to obtaining real-time changes in the pleural pressure, the efficacy and validity of the device have to be tested during the course of animal study. The results of pressure measurement showed that the sensing method is effective. Without adding redundant procedures by the surgeons, the device can provide an effective and real-time monitor of the changes in pleural pressure in the tests of animals. The concept of the device can be applied in any conditions that pleural drainage is required in clinical setting. With such apparatus, the doctors can have an objective data to assess the extent of patient’s recovery rather than depend on subjective observation.


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