  • 學位論文


Improvement of Electrical Non-Fiberoptic Endoscope

指導教授 : 張合 魏大華


隨著微創手術興起,內視鏡在手術中扮演了相當重要的角色,內視鏡就像醫生的雙眼,手術中醫生必須透過它才能了解病患體內的病情,並配合手術器械來達到醫療救治的效果。一個內視鏡的好壞取決於其操作是否順手,配合手術器械使用是否方便,手術時影像是否清晰,種種因素,但最重要的還是病人使用的需求。以往內視鏡以光纖內視鏡為主,而其造價昂貴,使其必須經消毒過後重複使用,而也因為這樣,使得一些消毒不乾淨或無法經消毒清除的病毒成為下一個使用者感染的因素,其中軟式內視鏡雖普遍改為電子式,但硬式內視鏡仍然使用以光學原理做為傳輸途徑之柱狀透鏡,其原因是因為電子式一般使用LEDs作為內視鏡照射之光源,但因為硬式內視鏡主要是用在大體腔手術中,故LED光源在不增加內式鏡的體積下難以提供足夠的亮度。本研究嘗試研發一可拋棄電子式非光纖內視鏡,過程中因為前端過熱不符合FDA 510K premarket notification,且光源也不足等問題,故針對此問題去做改善,其中增強光源部分本研究以外加光源為主,在不增加整體體積的情況下來達到改善光源的問題。而影像感測器晶片後置的方式來達到改善溫度過熱之問題。


Along with advancement of minimally invasive surgery, endoscopic surgery plays an important role. Surgeons need the endoscope to inspect the patient’s internal condition and with some endoscopic instruments for treatment.The quality of endoscope depends on many factors, including convenience, accuracy, resolution and patient’s requirement. Conventional flexible endoscope is not disposable and requires repeated use after some procedures of sterilization. Therefore, contamination between patients is always a potential problem.The study is an extension of prior study on the preliminary electrical non-fiberoptic endoscope. In our preliminary design, the temperature and brightness did not meet the requirement of premarket notification of 510K. We used some mechanisms to enhance the illumination without increasing the size and temperature of endoscope. The mechanisms included to move the processing chip backwards and applied a hinge structure to enhance the illumination. The overall efficacy and usefulness are tested in the animals.


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