  • 學位論文


Development of Digital Analysis System for Blood Flow Motion

指導教授 : 吳明川


現代人生活忙碌,常常沒辦法隨時照顧自己的身體健康,有鑑於此,本研究便想建立一個全自動化的自動數位式分析系統,經由數位化的科技,將以往生理健康狀況之檢測更為客觀。可擷取人體的脈搏、體溫與血液流速三項生理訊息,加以判別提供病理預警,達到全自動化、居家健康管理為主之目的。 本論文之感測器使用紅外線LED(light emitting diode)與波長相匹配的光電二極體(Photodiode)所組成之光學陣列,來擷取人體左手腕處橈動脈的血液容積波(Blood Volume Pulse, BVP),由於所使用光學陣列之光電二極體即訊號所接收處,其位置恰如中醫把脈之寸、關、尺三處。採用中醫把脈方式的原因在於,能利用感測器三點間的距離固定,且配合三點所擷取之血液容積波之最大值的時間差,便能直接的得到血液流速。且將所得之寸、關、尺的訊號經由快速傅立葉轉換(Fast Fourier Transform, FFT),利用其轉換後頻域訊號的前十次諧波所佔之比值做為數位化資料的分析比較數據。


This project study is about sensor and analog signal process treatment circuit. By quantity examines and collecting these changes of cardiovascular circulatory system and body temperature. After examine these results also quantity to computer database, then we can analyze before sports and after sports. Accordingly of analyze these transitions, health situations of the physiological function. Therefore the topic is made. We can analyze all previous effect like sports, having oxygen degree, violent degree, etc. The detecting device of this thesis uses the optics array that the photodiode matching with the wavelength makes up of infrared ray LED (light emitting diode ), to pick the blood volume pulse (BVP) which fetch human body's left radial artery of wrist place, because the places that the photodiode namely signal of the optics array receive used, its position is just as the place that Chinese medicine feels pulse : cun, guan and chi . The reason adopting Chinese medicine to feel pulse in the way lies in , the distance that can utilize between three points of detecting device is regular, and cooperate with the time difference of the maximum of the BVP fetched that three points pick , can get the velocity of blood flow directly. Finally, we carried on a FFT(Fast Fourier Transform) analysis .


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