  • 學位論文


An Object based Editor for the Animation Assisted Baseball Strategy Training System

指導教授 : 張厥煒


近年來運動資訊之應用越來越受到重視,將體育運動項目結合電腦資訊科技,已經是國際運動科學的研究趨勢。在棒球比賽中,勝敗的關鍵除了取決於平日的訓練以外,臨場上戰術的執行也相當重要;在棒球比賽中,往往會因為對方一個戰術或是球員的移位不當而造成比賽輸贏。 本論文設計一個應用於棒球場上戰術教學的棒球物件編輯系統,能夠針對棒球比賽中會使用到的戰術進行編輯,並以動畫方式顯示棒球與場上球員的運動軌跡,可表現在特定時間下棒球與場上球員的位置及相對關係。以透過動畫的方式增進球員的理解,再加上教練的觀念灌輸,加強球員日後在戰術執行或補防時可針對缺點加以改善。


The application of sports information has drawn more attention in recent years, and it is an international trend to combine sports events with computer science. In baseball games, in addition to depending on the weekday training, tactical execution is also very important; the key to winning or losing a baseball game is often base on a tactical execution or an incorrect shift by players. This thesis aims to design an animation editing system for baseball strategies and tactics, It can be used in editing the trajectory of the baseball players via animation, which can indicate the player's location and the relative relationship at a specific time point in the baseball games. By means of animation to enhance the understanding of the players, coupled with the concept of the coach in teaching, strengthening players’ strategies through tactical execution could be carried out in the future or the shortcomings in the cut off could be improved.


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[3]Adobe AIR,http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_AIR.
[4]孫穎,Flash ActionScript3殿堂之路,台北:松岡電腦圖書有限公司,2008。
[5]ACTIONSCRIPT3.0程式設計,http://help.adobe.com/zh_TW/ActionScript/3.0_ProgrammingAS3/flash_as3_pro gramming.pdf.
