  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Video Conference Platform

指導教授 : 王永鐘


本論文實作Client-Server架構的雲端視訊平台,它包含以下的功能:視訊傳輸功能、音訊傳輸功能、文字聊天功能、白版同步功能、檔案上傳、下載、轉檔功能、使用白板功能展示文件檔案如:PPT、DOC、PDF甚至圖片檔案,並整合桌面分享套件供學生下載使用。整個視訊會議平台可以依照師生的需求彈性的使用。本視訊會議平台有兩台伺服器和一套資料庫, Red5 視訊串流伺服器處理所有視訊、音訊和文字聊天相關訊息, Apache伺服器處理會議建立、會議查詢、上傳檔案歸檔等相關訊息, MySql資料庫儲存會議相關的資訊。


視訊會議 串流伺服器 Red5


In this Video Conference Platform, we use Red5 media server to stream video and audio, and create meeting by using Apache server. We alos have a MySql data base that stores all the meeting data created by Apache server and Red5 media server. Our Video Conference Platform contains the following functionalities that includes video streaming, audio streaming, text chating, whiteboard syncronicing, file uploading and downloading, desktopshareing. It can meet the users need and is ease of use.


Video conferencing Streaming server Red5


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