  • 學位論文

山坡地開發安全審查機制之檢討研究 ─以新北市為例

The slopeland development of the security review mechanism - A case study of New Taipei City

指導教授 : 吳傳威


山坡地因其地形、地質之特性與平地並不相同,複雜性高,若是不當的開發,極容易釀成災害,而山坡地開發所涉及的專業技術領域非常廣泛,包括建築、土木、大地、結構、地質、環保及水保等,審查程序繁雜,而政府行政部門審查事項常不明確,故本研究以「新北市的山坡地開發安全審查機制」為例,從坡審案件的申請作業流程、應檢附之書圖文件、審查標準作業流程(SOP)、流程說明、審查原則、審查項目等,做完整性之探討,俾利規劃單位及開發業者於送審時,有所依循。 本研究另彙整出新北市坡審歷年常見之缺失,可提供規劃單位及開發業者於規劃山坡地開發時參考,避免相同的缺失重複發生,以縮短審查時間。 另目前國內山坡地開發許可大都以加強山坡地雜項執照審查委員會(簡稱坡審委員會)審查核可為原則,然而坡審委員會的組成及所提供之審查意見是否合乎專業性、合理性及安全性原則,很少有人提出質疑;本研究就過去審查之過程及疑慮,提出一套針對坡審委員的評鑑制度,期望能夠做為地方政府坡審制度改革之參考,改善坡審的審查品質。


Hillside is not the same because of its topography, geological characteristics and plains, high complexity, improper development, likely to lead to disaster, hillside development of professional and technical fields, including architecture, civil engineering, earth,structure, geology, environmental protection and water conservation, the review process is complicated, and review matters of the executive branch of government is often not clear, the new Taipei City hillside development security review mechanism, for example, from the slope docket application Procedures, book drawing files to be attached to, review of standard operating processes (SOP), process, review the principle of the review project do integrity Study, to facilitate planning units and the development of industry in submittals to follow. This study also compiled a the new Taipei slope trial common over the years the lack of available planning units and the development of industry in the planning reference hillside development to avoid the recurrence of the same lack of, in order to shorten the review time. Other domestic hillside development permit mostly to strengthen hillside Miscellaneous License Review Committee (referred to as the slope of Audit Committee) to review and approval by the principle of slope trial composition of the Committee and provided review comments, however, whether it is professional, reasonable and safetyprinciple, rarely questioned; the study on the review of the process and doubts in the past, proposed a system of evaluation for the slope of the Jury, expect to be used as a reference of the slope the trial reform of local government to improve the quality of the Poe trial review.


16.行政院農委會水土保持局 ,


