  • 學位論文


The Toxic Chemicals Potential Analysis and Evacuation Planning--Shulin of New Taipei City as an Example

指導教授 : 張寬勇


台灣地區地狹人稠,工廠、工業區與住宅用地彼鄰而居,然而經濟及科技發展趨勢下,所使用化學物質種類多樣化,尤其是毒性化學物質,若因操作不慎或意外事故造成洩漏、火災及爆炸,不僅工廠本身可能造成嚴重破壞,其危害範圍將可能波及鄰近工廠,甚至影響附近民眾生命財產安全,如擴散至大氣將造成環境與人員不可恢復性的傷害,輕者引發居民抗議,甚而造成圍廠抗議事件,這些將形成鄰近社區民眾的困擾與社會成本的損失。 樹林區內工廠性質繁多,尤以樹林工業區為較多分佈地區,包含電鍍工廠及傳統產業,皆存放毒性化學物質及危害性化學品,為使災害降低嚴重度,實為重要之課題,因此以樹林區運作毒性化學物質工廠作為研究範籌。針對區內危險源資料建立、應變資料收集及工廠輔導等重要資訊,依毒化物物質因子計算危險指數及風險值並經由風向、北美緊急應變指南模擬危害潛勢計算擴散範圍,結合地理資訊系統以圖層展示風險結果,並擬定高風險區緊急避難疏散,藉由此研究能提供區(鄉)市公所減災、整備應變與避難疏散之參考。


Taiwan is a small country inhabited by many people and is surrounded by factories, industries,and houses.With technology and our economy on the rise, there are many factories that are using various toxic chemicals that are interfering with our environment.With technology and our economy on the rise, there are many factories that are using various chemicals of those chemicals toxic ones have the hugest effect on our environment that may lead to chemical-leakage, fires, and explosions may result from toxic chemicals that are not contained.The main problem of these toxic factories are that they pose a threat to the people and neighboring companies that are nearby that release chemicals that are harmful to the atmosphere, and may cause fatal injuries.This may trigger a number of riots and protests that will greatly affect the way people live, and it will also cost a lot of money to maintain these toxic factories. The Shulin of Taiwan are dominated by both electroplating and traditional factories that store a lot of toxic chemicals. The main point of this paper will be on ways to reduce the severity of chemicals that are emitted from these factories. Therefore, this research particularly emphasizes on how Shulin area factories can control and operate toxic chemicals as a research scope. Many methods of evacuation are developed to deal with potential emergencies in the future. These methods involve strain data collection, factory counseling, leakage of toxic chemicals spread, simulation of fire, explosion hazard potential diffusion range, and concentration combined with the geographic information system. All in all, this research will allow one to take the proper precautions needed to deal with life threatening situations; as well as provide information to cities and counties to have access to in life threatening situations.


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