  • 學位論文


Study of the Common Duct Application on the Metropolitan Public Construction

指導教授 : 張寬勇


共同管道內之維生管線乃都會區發展生存之命脈線,一旦失去了所有維生管線,而整個都會區瞬間變得滿目瘡痍,沒水、沒電、通訊中斷、無法供應天然氣、生活頓時回到原始,所以其重要性遠遠超過政、經、商各界的作為,實不容有任何災害意外發生。 所以都會區或新建大型集合住宅或工業、科學園區等之共同管道興建,已越來越受重視,因為該等住宅、園區內地面上架空線、地面下埋設管線已嚴重影響穩定的民生需求與整體景觀,加上各項管線擴建及公共工程新建,其施工路段道路上、下方密佈數十種公共、私人管線,當管線與公共工程施工位置有所衝突時,通常需於工程施工前完成辦理管線遷移作業,則道路挖挖補補、坑坑洞洞勢所難免,造成路無幾米平,對民生需求之供應品質與日益嚴重壅塞之交通問題產生嚴重影響。 公共與私人管線不外乎電力、電信、自來水、瓦斯、軍訊、警訊、雨水、污水、路燈、號誌及有線電視、固網及各式各樣的光纖等,在有限的路幅空間內,面臨管線種類及數量眾多、複雜之情形下,而可供參考之管線圖資大多與現況不符,造成管線遷移作業溝通協調耗時,在施工過程中,以拆遷、埋設方式處理之電力、電信、瓦斯管線,時常彼此挖損,而無預警的停電、停話、數據線被挖斷百貨業無法刷卡、餐飲業無瓦斯炊膳等引發民怨;公共工程主體無法依既定時程進行,而延誤後續施工,導致無法如期如質完工。 就都會區防災體系與災後搶救、動員復舊作業檢討,公共與私人管線於天然型之地震災害後,因地層變動導致建物倒塌,造成地上、地下管線設備之傾斜與挫曲斷裂,造成電力、電信、瓦斯等維生管線毀損,同樣衍生停電、停話等一次災害,甚因瓦斯漏氣引起爆炸、失火、中毒等二次災害。此時救援人員在斷水、斷電、停話、停瓦斯之處境下,將增加救災設備需求,加重救援人員之負荷,救援的困難度與災後復舊費用、時程均相對提高,各項災害損失及人員傷亡亦較大。 共同管道之興建對上述問題是否有所助益,本論文研究將依據共同管道與公共管線之相關法規,並參考相關文獻,針對規劃設計、施工過程、管理機制、工期檢討、效益分析與社會整體評價等議題提出檢討,據以討論與評估公共工程施工之運用,探討瞭解因市區道路管線遷移作業造成公共工程施工阻礙及延誤狀況,再藉由管線遷移對捷運工程之影響,並尋找相關管線遷移影響因素及其較佳之作業方式,以作為日後規劃設計參考,期能減少日後監造單位與施工廠商間之契約爭議。


Vital pipelines at the common duct sustains the lifeline for the development of metropolitan area; once lose these pipelines could result in various catastrophic situations; which would be - no water, no electricity supply and communication suspend, no gas supply; the life will soon return to barbarian stage. Thus, the vital pipeline is far more significant than political, economic or business activities and which is not allowed any disastrous situation occurred. Thus, the common duct construction at metropolitan or new apartment building or industrious, scientific park is becoming more and more noticeable as it would seriously affect the daily life operation and overall surrounding aspects if the above ground line lifting operation, underground pipe embedment are executed; in addition, while there are various pipe expansion construction and new public constructions which would conflict the pipe location as there might be numbers of public or private lines above or underneath the road. The above conflict requires the pipe relocation operation before the construction being commenced, and the relocation works could cause the digging holes and uneven road surface; further jeopardise the heavy traffic and resident daily life. The public and private utility includes electricity, telecommunication, tap water, gas, military communication, rain water, sewage, road light, road marks and cable TV, webhosting and various optical fibers etc.. The limit of the road width and space has to face the complicated, various and large number of the pipe & utility lines; along with the lack and inconsistent of the reference pipeline plan & layout, leading the pipeline relocation operation requires much time to coordinate; in addition, some of the electricity line, telecommunication and gas lines would be damaged during relocation due to tearing and embedding methods which could cause power cut, telecommunication suspension and web server line being cut to affect the credit card payment, gas supply such various accidental situation. The above incidents not only bring the complaint from local residents but also jeopardize the main construction schedule and substantially delay the completion time. As the part of the metropolitan disaster prevention and aftermath rescue operation and restoration work; ground and underground public and private utility and equipment could incline, crack and crooked due to the building collapse resulted by ground layer movement; therefore, the utility damages would cause a black out, telecommunication, gas failure and consequently lead to the power suspension, telecommunication cut etc. initial accidents and further trigger explosion due to gas leakage and fire and poison secondary disasters. Under these circumstances, it is required to increase rescue equipment and add loading to the rescuers; subsequently, the rescue difficulty and aftermath restoration cost and time would relatively increase as well as the loss and personnel injury or loss. As for the common duct construction whether play the role of assistant to resolve the aforementioned issue; this study would base on the relative Acts for common duct and public pipeline and refer to relevant document on design planning, construction procedure, management mechanism, schedule review, beneficiary analysis and overall evaluation to the society to overview it; and then, to investigate and evaluate public construction utilization and further understand the construction hindrance and delay caused by the metropolitan road utility relocation work; thus, to study the influence to the Mass transit system construction; at final stage to find out the relevant utility relocation influential factors and the optimal operation to be the reference for future construction and design in hope to reduce the contract dispute between the Client the contractors.


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